The only time you should use a driving wheel is if you are at an arcade and you are in a full sit down cabinet.
Otherwise just stick to the controller. Its cheaper, and it is far more accurate. Not to mention you don't have the pedals slipping away from you and you arn't accidentally picking up the steering wheel.
Not to turn this into a console war thread, but at least when the 360 craps out on you you don't lose your data...
Heavy Rain isn't coming out for a long time, Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) was in development for as long as I can remember... But at least the company has made two great games, and I strongly believe that Heavy Rain will be their third.
You should get Time Crisis 4 for your Playstation 3 as well by the way.
All the ones I want have already been mentioned, but I don't think they will be added.
What is up with the games they chose to add anyway? Aside from Crash Bandicoot they are all just horrendous and boring. I wish I could get my money back >_>.
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