Fredrick2003x's forum posts
I agree with the whole "games as a piece of art" thing, but the sad thing is most people do not see it this way.
They buy a game, finish the game once on the easiest difficulty setting, and trade it in for another game (usually getting ripped off in the process).
In their defense though, most games these days do not warrant one playthrough, let alone a couple, so I can see both sides of the argument. I also think people should stop hating on "short games". So what if a game only takes 30 minutes to complete, if it was a GOOD game you will want to complete it again and again. Not every game needs to be a 50 hour epic, nor do I want every game to be a 50 hour epic.
Sports games and first person shooters are definitely things that I cannot stand. But sadly those seem to be the games that everyone plays and I feel left out :(.
I am a regular professional at Goldeneye for Nintendo 64 though :)
It would be pretty funny if Christianity was real.
It would be hilarious if Barack was the Anti-Christ.
Final Fantasy 7 and 10.
Silent Hill series (all of them)
Resident Evil series (most of them... things like Resident Evil Survivor and Resident Evil Gaiden do not count).
Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG.
Of course the Nintendo 64 multiplayer classics: Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64.
Games these days just don't stack up.
People need to stop trying to be like everyone else.
You don't have a car, thats cool, its your choice.
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