@Navardo95 @King_Wii D3 can be beaten in a few days, there is little challenge and absolutely no customization. I know, Ive beaten the game on inferno. 3 times. Is it fun? yes. Was D2 a better game then D3? absolutely. is torchlight 2 and path better then D3? hands down they are.
Ive never been into tabletop games until a year ago I started playing warhammer 40k and i was hooked. the Lore is Epic. the game is fun and the model building and painting has become a passion of mine. i recently sold my army tho because i lost my job and I couldn't find people to play with. there really isnt a group of players in my area... :(
In the meantime i will be playing the game on my PC!!! it will run at whatever i tell it to and do you wanna know why??? Because I'm playing it on a PC!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. superior race over here!!!!! BRAH.
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