@Kyrylo @666NightsInHell LOL first of all, I'm a PC gamer and even I know that 3rd person action games control like crap with a keyboard and mouse (unless their 3rd person shooter) so stop complaining and buy a wired 360 controller and plug it in. problem solved.
@bouchart @krystyla actually inafune didn't work on most of the mega man games. He did the original series up to megaman x3 and the rest he was a producer.
The game industry is trying soo hard to act mature that they jump at the chance to criticize anyone even kojima for being what they consider (immature). he is acting like a normal guy. Are you honestly gonna say you don't like the female body? Do you not like sex? Most men, get this, actually like the female body. yes, there are woman out there who feel it degrades them well guess what. Woman like men with perfect bodies, large.... you know what. Perfect hair, great smile and other attractive features just as much as men do and yet you don't see us complaining about the half naked men standing in front of ambercombie and Fitch do we? no, we don't. We don't protest because it's "degrading men into sexual object'. we Don't care. People have sex. People are attracted to the opposite sex even more so when it's sexy. if you say otherwise then you are lair. Plain and simple. So stfu and just play the game and have fun. also, 100% pf you have looked at another person and have fantasized about seeing them naked at least a few times in ur life. FACT.
@IrrationalBeast @FreedomPrime @greenpolyp well considering I don't even play FF online that doesn't make much sense and also GW 2 had serve issues as well. Has nothing to do with the company being cheap, they just didn't realize how many people would be logging on at launch. it happens alot to MMO's its hard to predict what Your user base will be at launch.
@Renegade_Garrus first of all, you post negative comments all the time about everygame. second, double fine is not a indie developer. They made AAA PC games for years then moved to consoles. so again, take ur comments somewhere else and go do something constructive.
FreedomPrime's comments