Ive tried to get many of my ex's into video games, never once did it work. not because videogames aren't woman friendly and because they are sexist, it was simply because they had no interest in wasting their time playing games... it's the same with their movies, every woman Ive ever dated watched movies like the notebook ect. I'm a guy, I don't like that shit lol and its the same thing for most woman when they see videogames. they rather go out shopping, dinner, hiking, dancing and other things I hate lol. Woman are just different then men, I can't explain it. But it's true. the sexism has nothing to do with why woman don't play games.absolutely nothing. now granted there are woman that do play games, and some may be offended by the sexism and some just don;t care. obviously it's the ones that do care that have the loudest voice. I don't see this industry ever truly appealing to the mass female market. just not happening.
I bet if she got laid more often she wouldn't be so uptight but after seeing what she look's like, i can see why she wants to ruin everyone's fun, she sure as hell ain't getting any.
@bledsoe45sbc @kente10 If they do that, then no one will buy that system, simple as that. People have been buying used games since the 80's it's something they are used to. tell them that this new system needs a online connection at all time and it cant play used games and game over man, game over.
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