seriously, micro transactions in a Full retail game is ludicrous. DLC in my opinion is terrible for consumers but I can deal with it by not buying it. Micro-transactions on the other hand are NOT except-able especially when you bought the fucking game!!! items that are already in the game should NEVER be purchased with real money EVER! the only situations when micro-transactions are Okay is in a Free to play game and not in a $60 triple A title. Thank god for Indie games.
@g1rldraco7 Nah f$%k him, I hope his plane crashes and he burns to death, his opinion that i don't agree with warrants this kind of fate. JK. have a great time. I still hate you..... <3
@picho86 @YoungPrinceT LOL she is a transgender, apparently that means He is now a woman. even tho his lady parts are fake, and he can't give birth..... Hmmmm. anyways. I don't condone violence towards woman but there is most definitely a double standard in movies and video games and in our culture when it comes to violence. Apparently its totally fine for a woman to massacre hordes of men but when male kills of even hits a female the shit hits the fan and angry feminist rage so hard. tsk tsk. P.S. I went to military school and I knew some girls that could beat this shit out of any guy and if anyone of them were to attack me you best believe id forget real fast about them being female and treat them the same as any man. Rule of fighting, if your gonna fight like a man, you should be prepared to get your ass kicked like a man.
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