Funny how trolls look for something to rage at. before D3 blizzard was considered the best game dev in the world in most peoples eyes. D1, D2, warcraft 1, 2, 3, and starcraft 1 and 2 were some of the best PC games every created. then one game called D3 comes out and the trolls emerge. LOL welcome to the internet where logic doesn't exist. check your brain at the door pls.
@Blizzard993 think of it this way, would you prefer 1 game with 3 really short campaigns, or 3 games with very long campaigns with variety and more time to delve into the story. each campaign is being made separately so that we can have a better story mode. how many games now a days have a 5 hours long story mode and the rest of the game is just multiplayer. this is the opposite.
@nomailx So what you are saying is that the new units which all are very creative, the balancing, the new battle net ranking system, the battle net arcade custom games which allows gamers to create their own custom mods/games, the new story, the new campaigns which all have a ton of variety to them/no mission is similar to the last and the new game engine are all just a waste of time and none of it took effort to create.... You sir, are clearly smarter then blizzard and I bet you create outstanding games in your sleep. Bravo. clearly you don't understand what the word "sequel" means, I bet you complained that empire strikes back had light sabres and therefore it was a "ripoff" of star wars a new hope. you sir created a comment that requires a face palm so hard it would take my head clean off. Cudos.
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