@alenth Ive beat DMC 1 and 3( the original version not special) on Dante must die. never did it to DMC 2 and 4 cause I didn't really care for those. My point is this game IS easy. too easy. they were clearly trying to appeal to a more casual audience. and yes, I own the game and beat it. its terrible. I always play the games I hate on.
@push88 @Galford4000 @finalfantasy94 never had a problem with it. usually the angles were at a point where you could see the entire area so you really never need to turn it. only once in a while was the angle not ideal.
The game is terrible. its way too easy. the art style is ugly. the characters are annoying. dante in this game in not likeable at all. the game is glitchy. the music, oh god the music... its TERRIBLE!! I never liked ninja theory and this is strike 3 for me. I will never buy another one of their games again.
Not to mention the new Dante is to angry, pissed off and downright annoying. the original Dante was cool, calm and had style. this guy looks like he just woke up and didn't take a shower. They are clearly trying to appeal to this generations "hipster" crowd.
FreedomPrime's comments