This mini computer is a great idea and in my opinion is the path consoles should take. being modular is awesome. instead of buy a new system every 5 years we could just simply build upon our current one.
Darksiders II was by far my favorite games of 2012. I also love relic, they are one of the best strategy game devs in the industry and I loved what they did with the warhammer license. I really hope vigil and relic get to keep making games in these series...
Oh yeah, cause it in no way cost microsoft money to keep XBLA running!! Moron. it's a service. We pay for services, that's how ti works Tom. next I bet youl be complaining about having to pay for netflix and your electric bill....
@DarkLink77 @obsequies actually he does, canada has a higher percent. considering the vast majoratiy of canada is hunting oriented. you sir, don;t know what you are talking about. I use to live in canada when i was younger (Quebec) and hunting was a big part of life there far more then where I currently live. (western new york)
@HydePark1980 @Thanatos2k I agree with him. i understand that these people have gone through alot. I lost a brother to a drunk drive accident but Don't think we should ban alcohol. people need to take responsibility for their own actions and this man acted on his own free will and blaming guns, violent movies and video games is just plan stupid.
FreedomPrime's comments