This whole article is dumb, everyone knows poisin is not a trans gender, capcom said a long time ago that she was intended to be a real female but feared that people would complain about males physically beating a females in their games, so instead of changing the character into male (sprite work),capcom just said she was really a guy so they didn't have to alter the game. It was a cop-out then that later turned into a running joke. I have no issues with trans gender people, but poison being trans gender is false, it was just a way for capcom to get the media off their back about female abuse in their game.
@colt_a fisrt of all, you are wrong, the beta was changed quite a bit. they overhauled everything, now you get unlocks a lot faster, you earn xp and money faster and each class has 4 weapons. Do some research before you start speaking about something you clearly know nothing about.
I am only interested in the system that has the best game.... I couldn't care less about features. My PC will always have more multi-media features then a console.
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