OK guys, my nephew has either a DS or DS lite. Do both the DS and DS lite take the same cartridges?
Reason I ask is eBay has two catagories for the DS and DS lite games.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated!
OK guys, my nephew has either a DS or DS lite. Do both the DS and DS lite take the same cartridges?
Reason I ask is eBay has two catagories for the DS and DS lite games.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated!
Wait till the end of the month when the Black Friday sales/specials come out. You may have to camp outside the stores for a few hours, but *may* be worth it. Also google search "black friday" now for already announced deals. I've seen some pretty darn good deals so far.
If someone has a Costco or Samsclub card, convince them to take ya sometime - good deals can be found sometimes.
I've seen Westninghouse and other lower budget 32"LCD TV's for around $450 range at BB or CC. For playing games, the lower cost LCD's are just fine. Yes the contrast is lower than a Sony Bravia, you'll never notice when playing games.
Good luck
The GPU is overheating and is possibly damaged. It will eventually lead to some kind of hardware failure.DeadlyZodiac
After looking at your photo, it looks exactly like what my 360 did 10 days ago. It locked up about 12 times like your photo. Few days ago it did the same lockup, and when rebooted, RROD.
This freezing is the GPU either comming unsoldered or going bad.
I opened the 360 and reseated the x-clamps, put new thermal compound in the CPU and GPU. Still RROD. Got kinda angry and reopened the 360 and ran it without the heatsinks for 10 seconds or so until it over heated. To my surprise its been working fine since. Played 5 hours straight one night, 4 hours the next, then watched Media Center through the 360 for 10 hours.
What kinda angrys me is that this 360 is a Falcon. After inspecting the air vents in the 360, I've come to the conclusion its best to lay the 360 vertical. Horizontal, the bottom air vent is completely blocked. Grab a flashlight and look through the bottom of the 360 and you'll see what I'm talking about
Good Luck
Core bought 3 months after launch still working
Premimum bought Jan 07 rrod 9 months later
take it for what it's worth.......
Plug in your iPod to the 360, and navigate to the music (multimedia) blade and try navigating to your iPod. It should prompt you to download the update.
If that doesn't work, load up a divx clip to a USB stick or try streaming a divx video clipfrom your PC's harddrive. It will prompt you for a multimedia update. This update is around 2.4M, so it should not take long to grab. Both the divx and Ipod are in the same multimedia update.
Let us know if it worked for ya!
Cheers / Merry Christmas
you cant listen to your ipod through your 360? damn....glad i have a zuneKGB32
Really? How come I can listen to my iPod through the 360 then? About a year ago, Microsoft released iPod support for the 360, so iPod support has been around for a long time already. With the new DIVX support/update, microsoft bundled iPod and the Divx support into one multimedia download.
If you already downloaded iPod support before, and want divx playback, you have to go and delete the iPod support, and redownload it. Now you got both!! Awesum.
YOUR SO WRONG KGB32, AND NOT VERY INFORMED. Maybe next time if you don't know about a topic, leave it be and let the people who do know chime in. Thanks
You may have a falcon with a 203watt power brick. My friends Falcon came with a 203 watt supply (Preminum system). My Elite came with a 175 watt and is also a falcon.
Check the date of manufacture and if its October or later, you more than likely already have a Falcon. I'd almost be willing to bet you have a falcon.
Before returning it, look through the top and see if its a Falcon. There is plenty of info on this board in reguards to discovering if its a falon or not without breaking the warranty seal or opening it up.
I got the PSP or the PRP on a cell phone. OK, stop right there..... What might be happening is the employies are telling about the PRP, and then either knownly ring up a PSP to screw you, or mistakenly did it.
OK, aback to my cell phone. I bought what they sold me on was a "instant replacement plan" if it failed or broke with normal use. Thought it would be a good idea, so I bought the replacement plan. Well, the cell phone broke 9 months later and I bring it back in to them for a replacement. They tell me that their service plan has changed, and I'd have to send it into At&t for service. I'm like WHAT??? That's not what you sold me 9 months ago, I said. They refused to honor their own service plan. I talked to two different managers, and nobody would give me a replacement phone, saying they changed how they deal with broken phones now. These people would not budge. Now what, I need a cell phone for work (blackberry). I walked to out to the center of the isle, looked around, ripped the SIM card out, look around again (for innocent bystanders), and smashed the phone on their floor. Walked back to the counter and threw the RPR or PSP or thatever they sold me on their counter and walked out. Went 3 blocks away to a real At&t store, told them what happened, and got a real nice phone for a great price. This happened about 3 years ago
SO BB changed their own policy, so no matter what your paperwork says, they can always tell you different and not honor it. I say BS with BB. I try not to shop there anymore, but still do occasionally, but not for big ticket items like TV's, 360's. Not wanted to get burnt again, i decided to shop elseware, and paid real close attention to store policies, return policy, whether they write their own extended warranties or had 3rd party's underwriting warranties. I found something interesting in my new quest. There are these warehouse places called SamsClub or Costco. Due to their agreements with manufactures, all items bought at these clubs can be returned at any time for either a new item or money returned - no extended warranty needed. So I bought my 42" plasma TV there, fast forward 2 years, and the plasma TV died. I grabbed all the accessories that came with the TV, and swapped it for a new one. The new one is $780 cheaper than what I originally paid for the TV, so I got 780 plus tax back, and a new TV. Yep, a brand new plasma and 780 incash. Not long after that, the Vizio LCD TV in the bedroom developed a perment line across the screen. Called Vizio, and they told me because I bought it at Sams, I can just return it there and get a new one. The Vizio TV was at least 3 years old, and I upgraded to a Sony Bravia. All I had to do is have the original receipt. They never gave me one bit of hassle, and I didn't have to purchase an extended warranty either.
So I say buy your expensive electronics at Sams, if it ever developes a problem, they will take it back and give you a replacement no hassle. Down with BB and their PRP PSP or whatever they wanna call it. Screw them. Ya, at Sams they have bundled 360 systems with more stuff then other stores (controllers, games), and their bundled systems cost a bit more than BB, but in the long run, it's worth it.
Come on, think how to bypass this restriction...... Even if the games blow.
First set your 360's time zone to a USA time zone. Get some software to spoof your routers IP to a USA IP. Now Microsoft thinks your in the USA, and you get all the USA stuff.
Yep my friend, you have a Falcon.
There are two versions of the falcon. The earlier Falcons used the same power brick as the non-falcons 360's. Later production Falcons (made in the last 2-3 months) have the 175 watt power supply.
I bought an Elite the same day a friend bought a Preminum 360. My 360 came with the 175 watt power brick, while my friends 360 made on 10-4-2007 still had the 203 watt brick. Both our systems are Verified as Falcons.
The 203 and 175 wattPower bricks are NOT compadable with each other. I.E. friends Falcon power brick will NOT plug into my Falcon Elite - they have different plugs.
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