@Supabul @GrandMaster555 For $900 you could have a pretty good PC that could run just about everything. I spent $1200 on mine but I put more into the CPU, RAM, MOBO, and PSU than I did the GPU. The upfront cost will be a lot but PC is usually future proof for a long time. For $300 I could upgrade to a pretty awesome GPU that would be better than what these consoles will have. So in reality in order to play next gen games you are spending just as much as you would on a console but the kicker there is, your games will run better. But it isn't for everyone I get that. I prefer the socializing that consoles have vs PC that is why I usually always grab a console eventually.
@Supabul @Frosty192 You could build a fairly decent rig for $500 grant it you won't be able to play maxed out but for the same (if not slightly better) graphic experience that you would have on the ps4 or xbone, you could easily do it.
@ak33715 Yeah who wouldn't care about an amazing platform like the PC? If I want to be a fanboy I could say something like congrats for the xbone FINALLY getting the graphics that PC was capable of back in 2007. Don't bash a platform because you are bitching that it is too expensive. People are always going to bash the things they will never have.
@GrandMaster555 @Frosty192 The game looks awesome but I would much rather get it on PC just because I already have one and I really don't want the xbone anytime soon. I would rather get the PS4 but god knows I will get them both eventually.
BTW, TITANFALL is not an exclusive.....so if that is the game that supposedly everyone is looking forward to...they could save $500 and buy it on PC instead..
Don't know some people are bitching about this because the console doesn't include the eye. Would you actually play this game even if it did? Probably for 5 minutes, get bored, then put in Killzone.
Frosty192's comments