@chiefgul Obviously you do not know how many PC gamers there are. The numbers keep on growing because hardware is becoming cheaper and it is more accessible than ever to build your own PC even on the cheap that can still play high quality, demanding games.
@strothers101 @Frosty192 More so talking about graphics. Metro 2033, Crysis, BF3 look fucking amazing on PC and they run smoother than on console. Take any multiplatform game and compare it to its PC counter part, way better. (Unless devs got lazy and had a shitty port)
I couldn't give three shits less about all the gimmicks the new xbox has. I use my consoles for three things, blu ray, Netflix, and gaming, that is it. Give me those and I will be happy.
The only thing that sucks about the PS4 is they decided to make people pay for multiplayer. I know Sony is making it worth your while with free games, discounted games/DLC, beta invites, blah blah blah but to pay for mostly P2P servers is a fucking joke. I get free dedicated servers on PC. Oh well whatever.
Microsoft, congrats on losing the console war before the systems even came out. You cannot expect to be anti-consumer and expect people to buy your console. Too many restrictions and always on requirements are going to isolate your customers. How the **** are you so damn arrogant and stupid not to see this? PC or PS4 all the way.
Frosty192's comments