@rarson @Triton Not in phones. As an OS with tablets, phones, micro computers, set top boxes etc, yes. Apple is dominating the phone market for a reason, better battery life, apps that dont **** up your phone, and an easy to use OS that just works.
@rarson @TheIfym20 Just and FYI, Samsung started that battle in which Apple decided to counter sue. Look up the story of when the iPhone was first released in collaboration with Google and how Google's CEO stole most of the concepts from Apple when he saw how much money the iPhone was racking in. Do your research before you start bashing something with no prior knowledge to what you are trying to argue.
@kpolicoff @TheIfym20 I dropped my phone four times from pocket height on cement and only have some chips on the glass but nothing shattered. Apple apologizes for not taking care of careless people with butter fingers. I have seen people with droids with shattered screen whoop de do.
@rarson @TheIfym20 Sony batteries blowing up? Dell chargers catching on fire? Your logic is flawed. iPhone's battery life isn't shit like in most android phones so you do not need to upgrade it. Your fanboyism is a pathetic attempt for you to justify your purchase and who gives a ****. You like android awesome, I will enjoy my stable OS that has quality control for apps and also I will keep my malware free phone. Have fun with your OS that you need an AV for because of apps that are not inspected.
@rarson Android still isn't as stable and iOS and on most of their phones that battery life is horrible. People are paying for a good quality phone that Android can't seem to produce one that can even touch the iPhone.
@kavadias1981 Cyborg is in Justice League, Nightwing was the first Robin but grew up to become Nightwing, Solomon Grundy is an immortal zombie that feeds off of living things to gain his power. Yes I do read comics lol.
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