I think it would just be easier for publishers to send us all a box of condoms with each game they release and tell to hold onto them until they decide to come over and rape us up the ass. They are doing it already with their crappy prices so it will just be a matter of time....a matter of time.....
@Scarab83 How is it impossible? I setup a server in less than 5 minutes. Forward one port to your server, edit the config file to your liking and youre done. There are wiki pages that makes it easy to setup.
@jonnybutler11 Are you serious? They are not athletes? I have seen a skateboarder drop 72 ft on to a ramp hitting no transition and still skated with 2 fractured ankles. I have seen a wimpy basketball player fall 2 ft on his knee then whine and cry about it for 2 weeks. Xtreme Sports are not for sissies those my friend are real athletes. Hell I even consider figure skating a real sport because that takes endurance and skill to do something like that.
pro gamers are a joke lol whatever I just don't want to hear them be called athletes anymore. If you want to be an athlete then hop on a skateboard or a bmx bike then talk to me.
Frosty192's comments