@Dannystaples14 @Infinity_Gauntl And they charged you more money for each expansion. Which is a fucking joke. What is the point in spending a monthly fee just to have to pay for expansions? Dumb.
Because of the title, I was thinking PS3 to PS4 discount. Meaning upgrading from a PS3 to a PS4. Not just shitty games. Ruined 15 seconds of my life just now.
That is why up until now it was fucking pointless to pay for XBL. Little to no games had dedicated servers so what the hell was the reason to pay for multiplayer other than to gouge customers?
@shuwar @Butt_Chunx Woodrow Wilson is a cute teddy bear compared to Bush and Obummers combined. That says a lot because Wilson is the sole person who started to put this country into mass amounts of debt. (Did not properly ratify the 16th amendment that started the Federal Reserve in case you are wondering what I am talking about.)
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