Oh great i pre-ordered BF4 in Belgium. Now i get the game in october but i have to wait till 2014 to play that game ?? Wel microsoft that is very simple for me , Put that xbox one in your hole where the sun never shines. I'm getting PS4 then.
@Daemoroth @OldKye @Shelledfade1 @gabrieldragon45 First i would ask myself. Is he American or English ? If not stop complaining about grammar. Not everone has English as the motherlanguage. I would like to see an Englishman or American speak another language without any grammar faults , let alone speak another language in total. Hell i think i could count them all on my hand.
@michalmis @Fruitymachete I meant it would ruin blizzard fancy auction house. I don't agree with the no offline version but i damn understand why they didn't brought it out.
I never said anything about singleplayer cheats ruining game ? You sir , need to learn how to read properly. Anyway what dude plays in the middle of the forest D3 ? Do you got a addicting problem i should know off ??
@L0mak @Fruitymachete @michalmis No i don't care if people use cheats in singleplayer but it would affect blizzard precious auction house. So i can definitely understand that blizzard wouldn't bring the game in offline mode. Some people are just to stupid to understand that.
Fruitymachete's comments