@michalmis Stop complaining about Offline mode jesus. They even have internet in middle Africa. The biggest reason they couldn't go offline would be because of the cheaters and that would ruin the game.
* YYAAWWNN * Modern war , Bad guy russians and a nuke threat on America. Ye ye i've been there and i've seen it to many times. Bring us something new . A new time and a new environment and then i would buy your game. Not some BF3,5....
Unless they have some new cool idea's like more playerbase but otherwise no thank you...
I don't care Sh*t what people think about PC gaming vs Console gaming. It's all about what youself think and I choose console gaming over PC gaming because of my own reasons. That doesn't make me a child gamer..... Anyone who think elsewise. Go see a doctor , you are an addict...
Right... Mabye do something about the real problem . America's weapon law... Because there aren't many accidents anywhere other in the world. Not saying that i can't happen but still less of a chance then America.
I hate people saying that Iphone is much better then any other phone. I always say to people that laugh because of my phone , what can your Iphone do more then my Sony Xperia P. BAMN nobody ever know what to say. So i said : you paid 400€ more for your phone and you can't do anything more with it. Who's is the looser now....
Fruitymachete's comments