Fruuky's forum posts
i think GT5 still looks better in graphical wise then PGR4 but PGR4 seems to have better effects such as Rain or whatever but then again we aint seen the real GT5Whiteknight19take off ur fanboyglasses, what looks in gt5 prologe so good is the texture which just r plain 2d photos of landscapes.
lol intro fid now play the game wow what differance i wish it look like gt5 in-game graphics. intro movie don't make me laugh. should i go back to what you lemmings were saying 2005 e3 there not game play there movies.GARRYTHQuote bye Ben (Bizarre Moderator). "It's all in-game." Ben U got owned!!!
The Secret of Monkey Island, World of Warcraft, Everquest, Rainbow Six: Vegas, The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, Castle Vania: Symphony of the Night, The Maniac Mansion, Counterstrike, Forza 2, Final Fantasy 7, Baldurs Gate, Baldus Gate 2, Half Life, Half Life 2, Battle Field 2, Doom, Civilization, Civilization 3, Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Planescape Torment, Wizardry 7 no way bioshock doesnt come into the top 40...
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