@dynamitecop: How is anyone being milked? If you already have MGSV: GZ & PP, why would you buy this? If you don't, you are getting an incredible amount of gaming for a great price.
I actually have both, and may pick this up down the line when it is cheaper, if the previous saves work, since my copies are digital.
@Halloll: Just going to say you are completely wrong. There is far more in this game than all the other Metal Gears combine, sans peace walker (its a smaller version). 475+ hours in, with 91% done. Even without the "complete" ending. There is more to do in this game than 99% of the games out there.
Yeah.... That looks bad. Nothing about the combat looks fun. I was disappointed that they went away from the turn based tactic combat, but I at least hoped it was for something good. This doesn't justify the change.
Being in the Beta, and just getting back to playing it this weekend (after not playing for almost a year), I have to say they might have a sleeper hit on their hands. Playing as the dungeon master is simple and fun, and the heroes are also enjoyable to play. I can see myself putting significant time into this game.
Not having video auto play is a blessing not an antiquation. While I don't have a facebook, twitter, instagram, or anything like that, but I hear people's garbage spewing from their phones all the time unadulterated, and it doesn't seem like a value added feature to me.
Fuhrer_D's comments