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FullMetalWWant Blog

Time once again.

Tomorrow is another band competetion, so wish us luck.

In gaming news, I love my new X-box 360!!! I now have Gears of War in my list and I just found out that I'm getting a PS3 for Christmas, so Im even more happy. Let's see what happens next.

QOTD: Waiter, box up the evil, I'll take it home. Gex 64.

Sweetness in the band

Last Saturday, we got first place in the Marching band competition. YAY US!!!

I just got Halo 3........sweetness times two.

That is all.

QooD: We got two words for Ya...........Look up. D-genration X

The Good, The Bad, and The Band Geek.

I did the unthinkable.....I got first place place in the Super Smash Bros. Tournment using Mario, so I'm happy.:)

School started and I'm happy. Got good classes and going to a good school. And yes, I am a band geek. I'm happy for that too.

I'm now Indiana Worm for my icon. Thats it. See you in the unions.

QOTD: Gex enters a factory with metal, tvs, and acid everywhere. "So, this is where they decided to change Coke." Gex 64- Enter The Gecko.

Note: Coke as in the drink. :P

Summer time is thank you time.

I like to say a few words to my friends. One: Thank you for being my friends. And Two: I like to make a special thanks to SBM for making me officer.

Now then, I wrote this blog for a reason. I'm going away for a few days due to a few new things that showed up. I'm heading to New York for a small Super Smash Brothers Melee tournment and I'm using Mario (My favorite character of all time) and then I'm headedto the ppv Summerslam, so I'm not going to be online until Sunday or Monday. I'm going to be online tonight for last minute things, so see you then.

QOTD: Oh MY GOD!!!!!!!! What happened here? Did someone die again-me

Gamestop and you.

Today was the day I would never forget. I was with my friend at Gamestop when someone came in and had a box filled with video games. On a closer look, it was N64 stuff. He looked at me and said " I can't sell this stuff. Here, you can have it for free." And so, I left Gamestop with 30 N64 games and a few controllers ( I also noticed that there was 3 copys of Pokemon Puzzle League and Conker's Bad Fur Day in the box.) Now then, here is your Quote of the day.

QOTD: I've come to save the day, but I'm lost in my mind. Gex- Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko

Welcome to Level 3............and other stuff.

Well, I did it. I'm a Level 3 right here on Gamespot. Look out for me on reviews. My collection of games keeps growing cause I'm a collecter and I play them.

I finish playing all of the Paper Mario games, which took me a combined total of 22 hours and 35 minutes. My next sitting will be the Banjo-Kazooie series (Which there are two games in that series).

I won't be online starting Saturday to Sunday due to I'm going on the biggest party of the summer: WWE Summerslam. Other then that, FullMetalWant saying.........Go out there and GAME ON!!!

Quote of the Day: I'll be posting a quote from any of my favorite video game right after my blog. is the quote: "They spent 20 billion dollars on making this level". Gex- Gex 3-Deep Cover Gecko.


Paper seems better.

As a fan of the Paper Mario series, I wonder has anyone tried to beat Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, and Super Paper Mario in one sitting? I'm trying it in a few hours to see how far I can go. Wish me luck.......or bad luck.