A new Raw logo will be in place soon enough but least's just get this clear for everyone. With Summerslam behind us and now we are looking towards the fall, things aren't looking good for the faces at the moment. With Sheamus and John Cena out of the picture, we must now look towards a new face that will push WWE forward. And that man is Randy Orton! Wait, I don't understand at all. Yes indeed, Triple H called the match down the middle and Daniel Bryan became the new WWE Champion. But the celebration was cut short when Hunter felt like taking care of what's good for business and took out Bryan, getting Orton a cash in and becoming the new WWE Champion. Punk looks at Heyman and it's not over between them at all. Dawn of a new chapter, this is Monday Night Raw!!!!!
Cody Rhodes defeated Damien Sandow via pinfall in their rematch from their Summerslam match. With Rhodes becoming more forward with his wins, it's only a matter of time before he gets a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. But Sandow stalks in the back, waiting for his chance to become the champion.Â
Cameron and Naomi defeated Layla and AJ Lee via pinfall.
The Shield defeated Dolph Ziggler via pinfall in a 3-on-1 Handicap Match, step number one in proving that the night is looking a bit dark now.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Sin Cara is ruled a No Contest because Sin Cara suffered an injury at the moment. Double R returns and says that now he is good friends with one Rob Van Dam and looks to take down Del Rio.
The Prime Time Players defeated The Real Americans via pinfall and I wonder if this has anything to due with what Darren Young did over the weekend (which I'm very proud and support him all the way for).
The Shield defeated The Big Show via pinfall in a 3-on-1 Handicap Match, step number two in proving what is going to look like something big is going to happen later.
Bray Wyatt defeated R-Truth via pinfall. I still want his new shirt that he had on last night at Summerslam (which I found out, will be on sale starting tomorrow).
The Usos defeated 3MB via pinfall and that was one heck of a great tag between Uso members.
The Miz defeated Wade Barrett via DQ when Fandango came out and attacked Miz with a legdrop.
So Triple would go on to end the show with saying that Daniel Bryan can't be the face of the WWE or be the champion. But now Orton has the chance to lead the WWE forward. Daniel would come out but Triple H sends The Shield to continue attacking him and just when Daniel was about to get in the ring, he is hit with an RKO and now, we have to look at who is standing in the ring. With Orton the new WWE Champion and having Vince, Steph, Vince, with an influence in matches with Raw GM Brad Maddox and The Shield acting as the enforcers, it looks like a new Corporation was born.
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