FullSurface's forum posts
[QUOTE="FullSurface"]It does run on 1080P i've done it already, that guy doesn't know what 1080p even means. All he knows is that he used the red yellow and white wires and came up with an answer thats as false as his brain being real.dewmandew7
1080p is considered as being 1920 x 1080. The game natively renders at 960 x 1080. The game is scaled up to 1920 and AA is applied. I guess all you did is that you looked at the little box on the screen that says 1080p "and came up with an answer thats as false as his brain being real." :roll:
No I didn't just look on the box, You guessed wrong just as much as his brain being false. And Yes it is playable on 1080p go read reviews and product information unless your brain like his is incapable, kk have a nice day.Well not actually got it yet, but I got a phone call this morning and I was told to come pick it up. So Im gettin ready to leave soon but has anyone else got theirs yet, if so leave your PSN so we can play online.
PSN- XFullSurfaceX
Metal Gear Solid 4- most excited and preordered already
Gran Turismo 5 and prologue- been playing since the HD Demo
KillZone 2- Never played the first killzone but it looks great
I'll whoop all online -XFullSurfaceX -PSNID
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