On Thursday, I entered Sick Kids Hospitla with enthusiasm, and cheer but by the time I left, I exited with pani, and a patch over my left eye. What I thought was going to be a normal eye check-up was actually an appointment for something called an ERG test. I'm not too sure what that stands for but all I know after the perliminary testing (very simple, look at the chart and recite what can be seen, and so forth). They decided to stick a contact lens in my left eye (my stronger eye), tape it up for some odd reason, making blinking quite painful, and went ahead with flashing bright lights similar to that of a camera using flash in my eye. The test was not fun at all, and if any of you ever have to do one, be weary. The beginning isn't bad, even when they put you into a dark room for around half an hour before the big test.
However, while the test itself was unpleasent, there's an even more important warning I have. Do not rub your eyes afterwards. I guess the fact they basically drugged my eye with eye-drops made it tender to this, but upon finishing the test I rubbed my eye. It was very uncomfortable, and seeking relief in such a manner, made things worse. What happened? I scratched the cornea in my left eye. Thank goodness, they only did the test on that eye (realizing that it was the stronger probably lead to this). The scratch was relatively small, at least that's what they said, but it was very painful. I had to wear a heavily taped patch (that stretched across the left side of my face, from my forehead to my cheek). It had to be taped to reduce eye movement, because when your eye moves, the pain has a good chance of increasing as I found out several times.
I only took the patch off a couple of times, and all of those moments of relief was met with more eye drops. For once, eye drops actually did something good, allowing me to sleep comfortably for a couple hours before getting up the next two mornings to visit the hospital again to check on the scratch's healing progress. Thankfully, by Friday night, I was able to keep my right eye open (which was kind of difficult with the tape, and such), and watch Ep. 35 of Death Note. Saturday morning, I was able to the patch off, the pain was mostly gone but my eye was quite blurry, and the light from outside was not welcomed right away. I continued to rest for the day as I did the previous days. It was only on Sunday I was finally able to briefly come on the computer. Text was still hard to read, so it was rather brief. Yesterday, my eye was finaly back to normal, still tender but I could see through it perfectly (or as perfect as I can see with my eye condition).
Despite, all of this, it still wasn't the worst part - Friday morning, when I got home, the silver band I wear around my right wrist was missing. I have no idea where it is, and I fear I'll never see it again. I don't know how it could've dropped out of my hand, or perhaps I simply didn't notice that it was because of my eye pain, but I was pretty mad about that. I had bought it in Trinidad a few years ago, and it was something I really liked, not to mention it sort of symbolized my love for writing, I didn't wear it much for some time but when I started getting my poetry writing back, that very day I had it on. So, since then I always wore it. That said, it left me with one final gift, while resting my eyes, I put the computer on, and listened to the entire Deep River album by Utada Hikaru. And, wouldn't you know, I have an idea. I'm still working through it, and it's a large project - I'm thinking a novel would be the best written medium for it (a movie could also be possible the way I've pictured it in my mind). So, I'm very excited about pursuing this idea of mine, although it may require a visit to Japan, so I can really get in-depth in some of the aspects I've come up with.
Anyways, that's where I've been for the past few days. An odd thing I noticed was that during this time, my glases made things worse, making the blurryness more potent, and irritating to my eye. But, it's definitely good to not have that pain throbbing anymore. So, remember if you ever have to do an ERG test, never rub your eyes. It just makes it a lot worse.
Before I leave, I'd like to make note of my next upcoming blog, in which I will fill everyone in on everything that's happened since I briefly left GameSpot a couple of months ago, and what I have in-store for the future including the creation of The Japanese Music Union - looking for supporters at the moment, by the way. I'm sure someone will leave some kind words, so in advance, thanks to everyone. ^_^
Oh, one more thing, feel free to show your support with this (I love Utada Hikaru):
~Edward Elric
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