"The only thing that makes sense is moving forward." - Edward Elric
It's true. The only thing that makes sense is moving forward. You can't linger on a certain event in life. You must continue to move forward and progress. This is truly an inspirational quote, one that I follow in every day life. However can this motivational quote for humans apply in gaming?
Games are quite possibly the best medium for expressing what I believe to be art. Featuring a large variety of different art styles ranging from anime inspired characters to colossal creatures rampaging across a vast plain. As well as some of the most moving scores that range from orchestral pieces to hard rock themes. It's funny how some don't think games deserve to be considered as a form of art. Nonetheless, developers have done great work in utilizing technology to make these expressions of art that much more amazing.
Technology as it applies to gaming has truly moved forward. So much so that it's becoming a real issue. Gaming consoles are becoming less and less about the games and more about multimedia based capabilities. I'm all for gaming moving forward but what happened to the days where the technology was used solely for the games? Not to say that games haven’t gotten better since the days of the NES/SNES/N64 etc. But the whole multimedia movement is starting to get a bit out of hand. I as many of you will buy a console to play the games, not for the mp3 playback, not for viewing HD quality movies. These things are nice but if you take all that away all you end up with is a gaming console. And no matter how impressive it’s technological capabilities is. The only thing that matters at the end is the quality of the games.
My point is simple, I believe that gaming is indeed moving forward but is turning towards a shortcut that's been placed by companies trying to get you to buy their product for the wrong reasons. We don't need a gaming console to be a computer, we don't need it to be our household movie player but that's how companies and technology have turned it. We also don't need a game based on our favourite movie of the year. Now I don't mind these additions, once the games are good. There have been quite a few great games recently, Gears of War, LoZ: Twilight Princess, etc. But there's also been a ton of flops.. Sure, there has been a hell of a lot of terrible games in the past. And today there are seemingly even more half baked, cheap rip-offs to get a quick buck titles floating around than ever.
This is one instance where gaming has lost its way. What happened to focusing on the actual games and how they play and how to offer a different experience to gamers? The only company that I've seen that's stuck to what gaming was is Nintendo. The NES, SNES, N64 and GC are all 'real' gaming consoles. In the sense they only focus on the games themselves. Yea sure the N64 shouldn't have used cartridges as a format and yes the GC was a flop, though let me note that was because of a lack of third-party support but when the dust is cleared all of Nintendo's systems including GB/GBC/GBA/DS have all offered fun and still technologically impressive games.
However because of the lack of third-party support and the huge of library of great games on the PS2, it just couldn't hang in there. Still Nintendo continued to release games. Unfortunately a lot of these games didn't get the attention they deserved. The majority may have been Mario but here's the thing. Nintendo moved forward by using the Mario franchise to put a spin on more conventional games like Tennis, Soccer and Baseball. These games are incredibly fun but for the most part underappreciated. They used the technology they had to release some great games that anyone could enjoy and get into. The Wii is the same thing.
By having the Wii-mote as their controller they can offer something that the rest cannot. Instead of using multimedia capabilities to attract people, they have the Wii-mote which is likely to give players a fun and immersive experience. Nintendo has a lot of hardcore fans and the pursuit of going after non-gamers and casual gamers is a great idea because the more gamers the better! Not to mention it's likely that a good amount of these new gamers will be of the hardcore type. This has worked perfect for the DS. However time will tell if developers will support the Wii throughout its life span, I believe this time we will see more games for Nintendo's next-gen.
The way I see it Nintendo is moving forward and are on the right path to success. Now for a quick note regarding the PS3 and 360. I plan to be a future 360 owner, why? Because a lot of the upcoming and a few currently released games look amazing. Games like Blue dragon, Lost Odyssey and Halo 3 may not be much different to what we've seen in the past and I don't mind once the game is good and I believe these will meet my expectations. Honestly, I'm a sucker for nostalgia. No matter how much gaming moves forward I think games like Super Mario Bros. 3, LoZ: A Link to the Past and Chrono Trigger will always have a place in my heat. Which can also contribute to why I don't mind if Lost Odyssey or Blue dragon don't really change much in terms of the battle system.
As for the PS3. All of the hype around its power and Blu-Ray disc format is doing nothing for it right now. It's selling pretty well but not the extent of the Wii or even the DS for that matter. Every time Sony sells one, they lose money. What's even worse is that they're losing exclusive titles left and right and not to any ol' console but to one that's cheaper and is currently doing very well and is just as powerful. So as you can see Sony did move forward but it seems they're moving towards a black hole more than anything else.
Now for the games themselves, yes I love the classics and I do enjoy quite a lot of the new games out there but publishers are moving forward in the wrong direction. What's with all the movie based titles? These may be directed towards kids but honestly there's a lot better they can enjoy out there. Any Mario games would be perfect for a younger gamer. It was fine for us. Don't give them half baked games that only lead to a bit of enjoyment and a waste of the parents' money. It seems that publishers think they can get away with this because of the movement of technology. Just because the ability to make the game is available doesn't mean it's a good idea. The PS2/GC/XBOX era had to suffer from these titles and unfortunately it will likely continue and the games are just going to get worse.
So I've gone through the consoles and the games in general but what about technology pushing the art? Well simply Gameplay will forever be over graphics. Games are meant to be fun. I love a Link to the Past for it's gameplay above anything else. Though I must admit it looks amazing for an SNES game. It's unfortunate that games are over hyped just because the graphics looks really nice and what not. Before being hyped up for a game, do some research on it's story and how it works, before building anticipation. Also look to the game's past installments if it's a sequel. If you notice that a lot of what was hyped in previous game wasn't so great. Then think twice about the sequel and its supposedly spectacular features. Be educated, so at least if it flops you can simple move forward easier.
So back to the original question at hand, does the quote atop the blog apply to gaming? After everything I've gone through I can easily say... it only makes sense that gaming moves forward, let's just hope the right path is taken for the sake of the games. Ed & Al will always remember their mother, as I will always remember those classics but we move on with the world and we try to make it so the path we're taking is the right one. Because you can move forward but its intent and where you're moving that's most important. Thank You for reading. :)
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