The persisting issue that I, as of yet, can't seem to be able to comprehend is the upheld tenet of a differential treatment (as far as 'violent domestic solutions' are concerned) of women by the people who endorse the 'spanking' of their kids. Women can be just as obnoxious, exhausting and unreasonable, because granted, every adult can have his 'child-like moment'. As verbal harassment is a form of harassment too - and one that women can be especially good at - the principle of never 'spanking' a woman in a case of domestic violence goes far too unchallenged (by the people who endorse spanking), while the same sort of treatment applied to a minor is considered, from a moral perspective, to be unequivocally different. To a certain extent I agree that the situation is different, as the vocal chords of a hormonal female are often more developed than those of a child.
Filled with gumdrop fishies swimming upside a waterfall leading to a liquor pond! The white stallion already descends from clouds of astronaught marshmellows with his fashionable lure of minty odour and banana split horn. Now all that's left to do is to grab the cherrywood cricket out of my seahorse hive living under my bed and yippidy-dippity, skipiddy-dippity, we ride off in the fairy dust clouds to the humpety-bumpedy Llama lands. My head as dead space and my eyes ever spinning like marbles in the sockets of my ignorance while my trusty giddiah horse spins to a landing next to the pacifist carnivorous trees. 'Nay, ye stupid white stallion, I explain heroically. 'We have no time to twaddle with your silly old friends!' Further I protest: 'Take me North-East, to the Kingdom of France!' .... and so we rode off, passing the silly carnivorous trees, over the crispy, saccharine mountains, over the hilltop of Ol' Jenna's farm... and into my slippers, because I was late for class.
Both are important for me. I take it the people who claim that it's entirely unimportant for them to have a racial and cultural identity wouldn't mind if their race were hypothetically altered. Interracial coupling is wrong no matter what, as the individuals involved come from different backgrounds and adhere to different values, which renders a group fundamentally incompatible. Irrespective of whether or not individuals of a different racial and ethnic background are born in the same location, one of them will constitute a minority and would naturally be inclined to interact with the members of his or her own ethnicity and race, while learning their collective values that have been carried on for generations. Interracial coupling would only weaken the cultural identity of all races involved, creating an amalgam of ignorance and tension with regard to every participant ethnic group. One would, as a natural reaction, feel inadvertently threatened at the concept of losing his cultural identity, his place in the world. Attempting to forcefully mix every possible person from a different background into one single pot would, in the end, forcefully result into a racial segregation; a concept which, by all accounts, I would not mind ending up fulfilled were it not, in this context, for the violent connotation and consequences the word 'forcefully' carries.
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