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FuryX-4 Blog

This is mysterious

I was just kinda, or almost bored, so I went to deviantart, logged in to my account(Its FuryX-4 if any of you want to look)and go to other artist. And I read this journal with this weird, so I was curious to try and I got freaked out seeing this:

May not scare you, but this is suprising.

I will make another blog for Ebay Item, so stay tune.

Time for Ebay Item: The Surprises, funny, or the WTF?

I was kinda bored with a blog, so I was kinda thinking of a great idea to just interest you. I am not sure if this interest you for real but....

Its Time for Ebay Item!

So this kind of activity is like searching for stuffs that are really expensive, really suprising, and the really WTF is this.. :P. Its like one of the shows like Auction Hunters were they are searching for stuffs in the storage for any cool antiques, except is that they are choosing a good price to sell it off from the owner I guess (Watched it with my brother, pretty cool)

On Ward.

Today's item of the day that I have stumbled after searching a word "video game" and this is shown 1st in the list (If you put the category from Price-Shipping highest first) is a rare Nintendo Power Contest PrizeFinal Fantasy Orb that is Made only 50. And if you want to know how much, here it is:

What the title saids :P

With this price, you can exceptionally trade this for a supersports cars or luxurious cars. If you are a gamer, and you have a lot of money to buy, then this might have some decisions for you. Anybody else, this is a sacrifice with something to offer. But to be honest, even though it's a rare prize of the contest from 1990 and that kinda price, you could have also gone for arcade since they are at a thousands range. Seeing this kinda prize is such remarkable that this would rarely happen somewhere.

That's it for now, until till, i'll be looking for anything suprising for you to show.

Sorry if I haven't talked to you!

Sorry people, I didn't comment or check on your blog yet. I was busy in school, learning and boring stuffs this week. It was really tiring honestly, but at least I survived the first week of school, for now. I have to understand or study a lot since I have a busy schedule in High School.

So yeah, busy day. Have to do homework. Ill catch up your blog when I have time.

Indie game impression: Trauma

Since i'm kinda bored, I just wanna do a blog on one indie game:

There are alot of indie games that has a lot of attentions like Amnesia, Minecraft, Limbo, Super Meat Boy and such more. Indie games are getting creative as they are being supported with the help of the gaming community. This is a game that I would show you that looks like Google Map but with suspense, or tragic somethin

And that game is Trauma.

Made by Krystian Majewski, introduced in 2009 (I guess), finalist at the IGF. I have to say, its pretty simple, but its puzzly photographic point-and-click adventure game. There aren't a lot of people that know about this game or never heard of this game. You start off as a young woman who was in a hospital after the car crash and survived. She tells on her dream about here own life story or identity with a gesture-trace of light you might need to be revealed like her parents or someone.

During the game, you have to go to a locations for you to discover, learn, understand and reaching goal. For those goals, solve the puzzles in order to get the main endings, or the alternative endings. She will tell about her story long time ago as a child or adult, or something strange that has to be done by collecting photos that are found somewhere that will show you gesture-light that you might need it or a pictures about herself or someone important.

For my impression. It's actually good and interesting. It has that really good visuals, nice puzzle that you have to go back to complete, find photos, good story, nice voice acting, great music and such more. The cut scenes are chilling though. Even if this interactive is pretty short, it still does a good job with the photographic adventure and implemented perfectly.

Game is available at Steam, or on Website, play for free or pay if want to help support in making another indie project.

Also hope this blog make sense to you. Looks like I didn't put an effort to making it sense IMO.

So for anybody that has time or wants something else,try this game out

I have platinum'd inFamous

Just a quick blog, I have gotten the plat. trophy of inFamous, and it was easy to get all of the trophy. Not a problem. I finished the game both good and bad. Gameplay is great, graphics is good, story is awesome. Overall, its a good game. Problem was some annoying glitches and stuffs. But its still a good game.

Might think of reviewing it, not often I review that much, but sometimes I will.

Best 360 game under $20 bucks?

Today, my Dad is leaving US to go to the Philippines. Before my dad leaves, he gave me $15 bucks for us to buy us a first 360 game.

Yesterday, my brother bought a new 360 S at Best Buy along with his new laptop so he can give the other laptop to my sister and my mom at the Phlippines to talk at Skype. I was really happy that we got a new 360, and whats good is that we own the Wii and the PS3, so it looks like I'm gonna be a one happy gamer.

But the problem was that the console is 4GB, cost about $199, which is cheap, yet small size. I can't tell which game that could fill up the entire thing in one size. Other thing would be Xbox Live. I mostly play online on the PS3, and feeling that Live could be expensive for me, but I'm not really sure about it.

Already my Dad has left home, only just me and my sister at home,also grandpa and our dog, but we still have my big brother and sister, who is going with my dad to say goodbye, other at work. Looks like we might have to survive 2 weeks without my mom, dad and one sister.

Since I have $15 bucks from my dad, I have to choose wisely for myself, and my siblings. For my question, which 360 game is the best under $20 bucks at Gamestop or some other store?

Got a new PS3

Not much special, but good news is that we got a new PS3 Slim. Im happy we got it. Now, what I need to do is have internet, update, and all sorts of things.

Just for a quick update, thats 'bout it :P

Any tips on earning more money? (Other than getting a job)

Hey GS users. Sorry if I haven't logged in that much. I'll check on everybody's blog and maybe comment, so yeah.

But for this topic, and short, was helping on tips of getting money. I'm at high school, just playing video games, talk to my friends, fine life, etc. In my mind, I always think of money, and thinking of ways of earning money. I really need a job so I can earn money, and buy stuffs, but some jobs requires of being in College, and I'm in high school. I srsly need a job, though skills is needed to be in a certain job.

I have a bank, but problem was the rest of the money goes toward my savings, and if I touch it, it will restart, which means it will start to $0 and adding up to dollars or cents soon.

I have like $10 in my wallet, and a couple of cents, and I srsly need a job, but there could be another way.

So, any tips on how to earn more money?

Our PS3 has YLOD...AGAIN!!!!???

I don't talk often here in GS and my friends here, so sorry. :(

But this really making me MAD and SAD :evil:

Last month our PS3 is fixed, and it works well. I can now play games, enjoy GT5 and LBP 2, and the PS Eye we got couple of days ago. Now, the PS3 has gotten YLOD, AGAIN!!!! Was playing Free Realms and this was the result (well, probably not the game), damn you SONY with your POS installation that takes a long time. :evil:

DAMMIT, WHY THIS HAS HAPPEN AT THIS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? :cry:

Well, maybe this could be a reason:

1. Played too much on PS3 everybody, even my cousin and siblings.

It was like 1 month and now it has YLOD. GAHHHHH, stupid phat model!

Guess I'll have to think about it first with the PS3 dead again. Either trade in and get PS3 slim or something else. Might think of pronouncing the PS3 phat model dead, but I'll need to think about it first. I'll go back to Hardware store and get the heat gun again (If were going) -__-

I bought Gamestop Steering Wheel

And it is great. I tried it on PC, and PS3, and it works. Even tried PC racing games like iRacing, Live for Speed, and Gran Turismo 5 on PS3. Im gonna like this steering wheel.

I could have gone buying Driving Force GT, but the reason was its a little too expensive to me. It cost $120-140, but this cost $85. Second was they don't have itnearstock over here, but at other place, and its far away. I'll think of upgrading, but right now I'm just gonna stay with this steering wheel. So yeah

Plus I finished Donkey Kong Country Returns, and it was really freaking hard. I don't like the control, but everything else is awesome. Might think of reviewing it.