This game looks so great, why can't more Wii titles be like this?
Furzjodler's forum posts
GT5 detail over forza3 is like night and day. get over it
real life
GT5P doesn't look like that. Ingame you can see a lot of aliasing, especially in the menus. Its good and i enjoyed playing through all ****s but its not worth 40 bucks and not as good looking as some people say.
While KZ2 looks impressive at first i feel something isn't right with the graphics, it doesn't look as sharp and crisp looking as other games and i get minor motion sickness after playing it for about 10 minutes. I don't get that with any other game, its a shame because it seems intense but i just can't enjoy it.
Cookigaki is seeing too much motion blurs, Cookigaki do not like motion blurs in his games.Cookigaki
In some racers you can add motion blur in the photo mode to add a sense of speed, doesn't mean the game looks like that when you play it.
nope, this is
I seriously thought at first it was real :shock:
haha its a common reaction, GTREvo looks really good, and is incredibly realistic :DLiving in germany myself i can say that that pretty much looks like german roads with rain lol
Maybe i should give this game a go, my PC should be good enough to run it (I can run crysis on very high tweaked settings @ 1080p 30 fps)
edit: that video raised my interest in that game, gonna download the demo from steam now :D
nope, this is
I seriously thought at first it was real :shock:
sorry but gt5p still looks better in motion, watch this: don't need to watch crappy mobilephone filmed Youtube videos to see how GT5P looks, i can just play it again on my PS3 and i'm assuring you that it doesn't look that good when you actually play it, there are a lot of jaggies (just look at some of the cars in the main menu) and some tearing.
But thats not the point, its just idiotic how all those PS fanboys here talk about F3s graphics like its so much worse than GT5P, i for one will be enjoying Forza 3 until GT5 comes out (which will be 2012 for all we know)
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