Its funny that people here always fight about which system has the best graphics when in the end the console with the worst graphics usually wins.
Furzjodler's forum posts
10 years ago i would've said that this is impossible, but today? I think Microsoft can pull it off and it will be awesome if implented right into the games.
Grand Theft Auto 4. For being such a huge an open city, it's really beautiful and detailed. Doesn't get enough credit graphically, or game wise. Instead it receives more hate for being "overrated". It shouldn't have scored a 10, but c'mon - it's an AAA game.
I fully agree with you on that, this game looks stunning in some parts, everything is so detailed...
Assassins Creed
That first pic is not ingame, i don't remember it looking that good. I played the PC version everything set to max btw.
Just Cause
check out this video: especially at 1:00, still looks really good imo
[QUOTE="Generalmojo"] an ordinary guy just get these awesome electro powers and you think hes gona go drive some cars around town :lol:
you just have bad taste in games, thats all.
Games don't have to make sense. Freedom in these sandbox games is very important and the stunt drivin in crackdown was very cool, added a lot to the replayability. And i have a bad taste in games because i don't like Infamous? Hardly.
You probably have bad taste in video games because you don't understand what you want. Exactly WHAT would infamous gain from having drivable cars? Cole is already super fast, he can levitate, and there are electrical wires everywhere so that he can get to locations faster. Driving a car is in like, almost every sandbox game and it's incredibly boring.
Also, I doubt you even have a PS3.
Maybe its just that i find these electric superpowers boring and the presentation of the missions in the demo was just bad. This game could use some fun physics too, they don't seem to be good.
I have been gaming since the NES and played tons of games you probably never heard of, so don't judge my taste in games based on the fact that i think that Infamous is horribly overrated. My friends seem to agree with me on that too so i'm not the only one.
I think some people here get carried away by the hype, they will realize that this game isn't all that great once the hype has cooled down.
And i own a PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii, you want proof tell me your PSN ID and i will send you a message on the PSN.
My ID is MrKackschlange.
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