Its not very funny when you can understand everything they say :P
Furzjodler's forum posts
Seriously calling a 8.3 rating a flop is pretty silly. Heck it even says "impressive" under it >.>
I'll be picking up this game for sure, it looks fun, the demo was pretty annoying because of the timer but of course that won't be in the final version.
PS3 imo, i mean they were hyping the thing like crazy (dual 1080p at 120 fps etc.) and every one was expecting Sony to be as succesful as in the PS2 days but they let a lot of fans like me down.
I want to get a PS3 but i still see no real reason to get it now, most games don't look that interesting to me (with the exception of MGS4) and its still very expensive. I'm pretty happy at the moment with the XBox 360 and Wii. I probably will get a PS3 once GT5 is released
Omg.... I can't believe how much the Hype as caught you guys..... Its like the 'Gears Aliens' captured you.. And brainwashed your mind... This game is terrible. By far one of the worst games EVER on the 360. You just can't see it! Nope...... Nope.... Even Socom is better than this garbage... Go look on threads, Youtube... The REAL 360 players even say this game SUCKS!!!!
And jealous? far from it... Im trying to save your mind from brainwashing...... :)
Seriously thats so idiotic, i wasn't hyped that much at all for it before i got the game but i played through it once (Same can't be said about you you stupid PS3 fanboy) and i loved it, the campaign is very epic and very varied imo, much better than Gears 1.
And the REAL 360 players are probably just stupid PS3 fanboys in disguise, or maybe they are just pissed that the almighty shotgun got nerfed. I don't care, i really liked this game and i played a lot games in my time believe me kid.
Bad thread. Very stupid poll options.
Gears 2 is one of the best games i've played this gen and i didn't even like the first that much.
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