[QUOTE="Duckman5"][QUOTE="Jaysonguy"] True hardcore gamers log a lot of hours playing all genres of games and usually follow the news with all the consoles because they own most if not all of them.
What usually seperates hardcore from the rest is playing every genre. Like someone who plays nothing but shooters online 8 hours a day isn't hardcore, he/she is specialized but not a hardcore gamer.
No, no, no. That's the OLD Hardcore, where people just played games they liked. The NEW Hardcore is more clouded and revolves around machoness and blood. Hence Wii supposedly not hardcore. It's sad indeed what the definition has come to.
Well yes, the term has been "watered down" as far as use.
A lot of people trying to feel empowered have tried to coin the term only being able to focus on their huge interest in the one or two game genres that they focus on. Sad really because it's not true.
You and I see it the same way. If you're hardcore then you have to be hardcore with EVERYTHING, not just one genre.
Just to throw out the sports analogy a hardcore gamer should be like a pro bowl player quarterback. Now a hardcore gamer should be an avid player of everything in every way just as you'd want your QB to have arm strength, accuracy, quick release, nimble in the pocket, etc....
If the people who think they're hardcore by only playing shooters and mature titles were quarterbacks they'd be able to throw it far but not be able to hit the broad side of a barn or they'd be able to put the ball anywhere as long as they didn't have to throw it farther then 6 feet.
so basically real hardcore gamers play everything and these "hardcore" gamers or at least think they are play GeOW/Resistance/LOZ:TP all day.
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