@untomaniacxx15x ..its ok to feel like the xbox is loosing, but if you talk like that ppl may believe you're drooling over xbotism. You prefer xbox 1, thas great, i differ on some of your comparisons, like forza and driveclub...they are not the same, halo doesnt even exist in the near future because all they showed was a tease (which is not much at all), sunset overdrive for me is kinda weird, but maybe it will end up being fun...you should pit it agains knack, that would do. Titanlfall...c'mon man, thats > Indie industry combined with the Hershey's industry and Disney World all together.
@sammoth @patrick112 @G-Corleone @emptycow718 @demonkingx5 you do use bus speed and bus bandwith, and the allocation of cache memory wich works virtually with simultaneous operations and stuff.
G-Corleone's comments