So instead of releasing updated versions of their best games, FFVI, FFVII, and Chrono Trigger, all of which their fans have been salivating for years now, they decide to release two of their less favorable outings in X and X-2??? Because that makes sense.
He is making it sound like the game industry held these poor people at gunpoint and forced them to buy their products. I hate ignorant pratts like this guy.
Anytime a politician tells people to quiet down I tell them to SUCK IT! What credibility do they have in anything they do? All they are good at is looting the people's purse and spending more than they take in. Get your own house in order before telling me what I can do in mine!
So why doesn't the car industry tag their cars to only be designated to one specific driver to curb 'second hand' sales? I hope Sony loses a good majority of its consumer base. I won't be buying a game system that dictates to me what I can and can't play on it as far as used/new games. RIDICULOUS!
All smart companies do exactly this. Especially if the execs are taking hits to pay, then no one can complain. Another reason I respect Nintendo as business first and a game company second.
G1Ga-B1T3's comments