When it get's to the point where I can no longer actively avoid, or wait out EA's pricing structures, is when I will stop playing all together. Hell, there are plenty of other hobbies out there.
@RockZillaX The same sh!t goes on in the American public school system. Public school system = massive indoctrination outlet for government agendas. Period.
Funny that when an organization is a victim of the same crime they have been perpetrating on the American people for decades, all of the sudden the sky is falling. I for one, have a hard time sympathizing with bankers in general. Servers them right.
I loved DX HR. It is right up at #2 on my all time favorites right behind DX at #1 :) All bias aside that is. I really hope Eidos Montreal, releases a director's cut and switches up the boss fights a little bit and includes all missing content that was supposed to be there the first go round. I would pay upwards of ..... $120???? Would have to have the missing hubs and their subsequent missions too, don't get all skimp on me here and pull an EA...... ;)
What baffles me is that people claim their respect for Bioware is fading over the ending. WELL WHAT ABOUT THEIR LYING TO THEIR CUSTOMERS regarding the day 1 DLC????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? WTF is going on here???????????????????????????
G1Ga-B1T3's comments