Or as usual xbox gets everthing. I'm sorry if this is off topic but xbox gets all the good excluvies while sony don't. Sony got Haze, metal gear 4 "not a fan of that movie err i mean game" little big planet, saw a preview of that game and it just didn't appeal to me, the only and I mean the only good exclusive for ps3 is uncharted, while xbox has Halo, left for dead 4, and banjo and kazooie, and all the exclusive downloads. I'm sorry for ranting on like this but Ps3 SHOULD be supior to the xbox since its like $200 more. Oh well heres to hoping for a Jak 4 game or a possible uncharted 2 game in the furture
G6games' forum posts
hardest one I've played recently is the last huge dinosaur boss on Turok on the ps3 on hard mode. It took me days to beat it.
the closes call was on golden sun 2 the 3 dragon head last boss. I can beat him somewhat easy now but back then I had very few Dinjji and I beat him with just felix remaining with 1 HP.
the hardest one i know alot of ppl could of found this boss easy to normal but it was Sonic 2 on my Sega. it was the last boss he kept coming back and you didn't have no rings. I just hate it when you only have one lick left cause that puts my nerves on the edge and makes me mess up. If that wasn't bad enough you had limited turns.
I just got the gravity boots. i know they are supposed to like make you jump really really high but I can't do nothing with them. Yes I do have them on. What buttons do i press to use them. My version is the one I got from the PSN and i have it on my ps3
I don't understand banjo was owned by nintendo now xbox has it. Why only xbox shouldn't the WII and PS3 get dibs on it to. xbox gets everthing only downloadble content or atleast most of it, they get all the good exclusive games, Halo beats Metal Gear any day of the week. Its cheaper.
reason I'm asking is I heard theres a new psp coming out.
If so when would the new one come out and what would be the changes of it
Ever since Sony, and naughty dog didn't make them it went down hill from there, well accept Universal Studious did a pretty good job of making them.
But Sierra turned Crash and Spryo into a fighting game. I got Spyro a new begining for the ps2 thinking I was getting a new Spyro game and I got fighting game, haven't got a sirerra game since that terrible experince.
My two questions are. Do you think Sierra messed up Crash and Sypro
and Will Sony, naughty dog, or universal studious ever bring make another Spryo or Crash game and restore it to its formal glory
which series did you like better.
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