I keep seeing that Mario 64 was the first true 3D platform game, for the consoles at least. However in Europe Tomb Raider was released in 1996 and Mario 64 was released in 1997, so my first experience of a game of this type was Tomb Raider. I just remember being amazed by it and all my friends being amazed, I remember pubs and stuff (my dad dragged me to) had Playstations with it installed and the game was a massive hit at the time. Mario 64 came the next year and it was a big hit because people loved Nintendo, but it never had the same impact as Tomb Raider here... at to me and where I was brought up in the UK.
Nintendo never really had a big impact for me, I had a Sega Megadrive as a kid but I was never truly in love with games back then. 2D graphics never clicked, I remember finding the games rather boring and wanting to play outside instead. It wasn't until the playstation came, that I found games to be amazing and the Playstation had the more mature games. As a kid I wanted to be an adult, the more realistic tones just appealed to me more and I saw the N64 as this crappy kids toy. I went to Disney in Florida as a kid and hated it because it felt like it was for little kids and I felt all adult lol.
Nintendo always had this kid vibe, why I had the Megadrive because it had games like Streets of Rage. Then why I was into the Playstation, it had all these mature games that Nintendo would never allow...
I just see today how big Nintendo are and they've never really appealed to me at all. I see how Mario 64 and Zelda OoT were like so massive and I just feel left out of the loop, that wasn't my experience as a kid. Mine was one of games like Streets of Rage or Stealth Fighter on my Dads Amiga, then it was one of Resident Evil, GTA, Gran Turismo, Tomb Raider and MGS.
This is just something I had to share because it seems like everyone grew up with Nintendo, yet I didn't.
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