GAME_LastResort's forum posts
For the past months I have been studying and learning about competive gaming and what I learned is that its good to give roles or postions for each player to do in matches. Just think of it like football, once we learn how good each weapon is, the game modes, how respawns work and where they are at; we can assign roles to do in each match or all time roles.
The roles:
Slayer - The main person to run around and rack up kills or better yet give the enemy team deaths so they will be in a timed respawn.
Objective - The player who captures most of the objectives, this player will have to know where the objectives will be and if objectives rotate they will have to know the roatations (if not random).
Support - This player will take over a role in a game if the other player gets killed and is stuck in a respawn or are respawned far away, basically secondary objective player.
 Anchor - This player will be the one who knows the respawns well, basically their job is to defend the nearest respawn to the objective, this gives us a huge advantage during objective modes this will put more force against the enemy.(Depending on how respawns work)
Now this all depends on the game modes in GTA5 and which ones are competive, cause I know teamdeatchmatch won't be the only one. With roles and strategies we can win against any team, even if they have better gun skills then us.
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