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Only 18 Days And Counting Til The End Begins............

Whats up party people????
Asuming you do party. Anyways I feel great even if no one read my last post. I sure hope you do now. I have just finished paying off GOW II today. I got the sweet demo last week and I have been playing it as much as I can.Seeing Kratos again and looking better than ever even on a PS2 brings a tear to my eye :cry:. But thats a good thing. Also I bought Wario Ware and Far Cry for my Wii. I needed some new games. I don't know why people hate Far Cry the only thing I don't like so far was the opening scene.....too sketchy. And who doesn't like Wario??? And so that brings an end to anything I have new to say so I'll catch you all later.

"We got two words for ya!!!"

I'm Back Online In My House!!!! But I'm Also Having Problems.....

I finally have the internet back at my house after a ver long hiatus. So now I can raise my levels up faster to catch up to my firends. But that will be a very long time....
But now that I have it I'm having problems with the Gamespot site itself. Everything is lined up in the middle and after all the sites I visit this one is the only one I'm having problems with. Is there anyone that reads my blogs that can help me????

A New Change

Well it seems I've gone into a new phase for my page. I have now gone ANIME!!!!
I have a pic for my blog which is one of my favorite animes and it is Bleach. For my banner and profile image is my favorite anime of all time and that is Rurouni Kenshin. If you have never heard of these and are into anime and/or manga LOOK THEM UP NOW!!!
Thank you that is all......
Wait........I did make it to level 14 :lol: YAY!!!!

"No way!" "Way!"

Snowed In!!!!

For the past week it has been snowing in the greater Seattle area!! I can't fathom how much snow we've been getting here!!! So what have I been doing lately you ask?? Going to work and playing Killzone for PSP. That thing is addictive!! I'm half-way into it. And it is one of the best PSP games out there!! Don't agree with G4 or Gamespot if you played Killzone play Killzone Liberatiopn if you have a PSP. Man it seems like I'm going 100mph with my typing. But oh well that is what happens when all you see is white snow for the past week. Please tell me I'm not going insane!!! Well thats all that has been going on with me see ya all later.

Nope I'm not in the mood. Wait wait its coming to me.....
"Party on Wane!"
"Party on Garth!"

Christmas Saved My Life!!!!

Hope we all have a nice holiday season!!!
Boy mine seemed soooo long. I'm starting to hate any person that goes to my mall now!! They all seem like a bunch of idiots!!!!!! But teenagers what can you do??? So anyways I had a good Christmas, like I said it saved my life. I got a lot of cool things. Here's the list:
James Bond Ultimate Edition DVDs Vol. 1,2,3,4
Austin Powers I.M.O.M. DVD
Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me DVD
Ichiro Puzzle Poster (Settle Mariners baseball FYI)
Killzone Liberation
And finally Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007
Pretty good hual eh???!!!
So the day after I bought Jackass Two and a Bleach anime T-shirt. So I'm happy for now. I can relax and have fun. Oh also I traded in some games and got Star Wars Battlefront II today!!!! YAY!!!!!
Ok see you all again sometime!!!

"Would you like it shakened or stired?"
"Does it look like I give a damn?!"

New Review!!!! (First One In Ages!!!!)

If anyone is interested in my writings, check out my review for Wii Sports. It's only my second one so go easy one me plz!!!!!
If you like it and want me to do more reviews on my games check out my collection and choose one and I will write in asap.
I do some on my own in time but I want to see what you guys would say!
Thanks for you time, see ya later.

"There was only one Return, and it was not Of The King it was Of The Jedi!"

WOW I Can't Wait For Christmas!

Yo, how's it going for all my firends? I don't have really much to talk about for this blog. I have been having a real down time lately. I have been working my ass off for the past couple of weeks just waiting out the hoilday season. It is madness at my work!!! But as long as it is I don't have to think about what time it is. Because once it slows down and I look what time it is and the clock reads 4 hours until I get off work I start to lose my mind!!! So you know how much time that laves me to play Wii....NONE!!! Between work, sleep, and watching my shows it leaves me no time for myself to think!!! Well let's hope it will be better come January. So to all of my loyal subjects, see youa round!!!

"If you plan to shoplift, let us know."