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GCN49 Blog

My [(rant)] Thoughts on Sony in this next generation...

i think Sony may lose their place in the market this generation... their hardware is too expensive, and the games are going to run between 59.99 and 100 dollars according to Sony's President. The majority of the public have no idea what a Blu-Ray disc or player is, and that same majority do not own an HDTV... so those features will mean virtually nothing to that group of people. On top of that, Sony is releasing a 1000 dollar Blu-Ray player mere months before the PS3 is hitting stores shelves. Does this mean that the PS3's Blu-Ray player has less features, or is somehow not as good of , or less of a Blu-Ray player than Sony's low end, 1000 dollar player? Also, Sony has said precious little of their unified online service. Is there voice over IP? How will the friend's lists work? What about downloadable content? Will it be truly free if the console and the games are going to be at such a high price? When a consumer walks into a store looking to buy a console system and a single first party game, that consumer will be looking all told at a possible top cost of 700 dollars for a PS3, 450 dollars for an XBox 360, and 300 dollars for a Wii... the 360 and the Wii are only separated by 150 dollars, a difference mirrored in other such entertainment devices such as paying a little more for a larger television, something consumers are willing to do. But a 250 to 400 dollar difference between the price for a PS3 and a single game and the competition's consoles with a single game... I believe that is too high of a stretch for the majority of consumers, forcing their dollars to go to Sony's competition. Thus, I believe that Sony is in serious danger of losing their position in the marketplace this generation unless they make some major changes, and make them quickly.

What's in a Name?

all this used to be in the "About Me" section of this page... but it seems to be better placed right here... so here's the back story of my Gamespot user name: GCN49, my XBox Live GamerTag: Super Dave 49, and my Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection name: J-Man... first my Gamespot user name: as you may or may not know, the abbreviation for the Nintendo GameCube is "GCN"... there are two reasons why i chose this... first, when i first made an account with Gamespot, which was my first year in college, the only game console i owned that was with me at college was my Indigo GameCube... which i bought literally the week before i went off to live in a dorm on campus... the second reason is because that GameCube got me mad crazy into gaming... and it was responsible for many late nights and missed classes... as for the "49", that is taken from my college's mascot... give it up for school pride... whoop whoop... now as far as my XBox Live GamerTag is concerned, let me first dispel an assumption many have made in error... my name is not Dave... sorry to burst your bubble, but it simply isn't true... after trying various nicknames i've garnered over the years, all of which were taken, including the name i use for all my Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection enabled games: J-Man... i happened upon the name of a semi-obscure character on one of my favorite television shows... Super Dave is the nickname of the assistant coroner on CSI:... the 49, as you can probably guess, is from my college's mascot: again, trying to show off a little school pride... the name i use on Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection when playing Tetris DS or Mario Kart DS online is J-Man... the story behind this one is fairly simple... this is the nickname given to me by a suitemate of mine my freshman year in college... so there you have it...

the Call of Duty...

i just beat Call of Duty 2 on my XBox 360... the first XBox 360 game i've beaten... the game is incredibly good, and has more than it's fair share of memorable moments... the absolute coolest part of the game though, is the ending movie when the credits role... the guys at Infinity Ward could make their own World War II action movie... i can't wait for Call of Duty 3...

American Prediction...

i'm making a prediction here... Taylor Hicks will win American Idol... throughout the entire season, no one i've voted for has been sent home... and i don't see any reason that should change for the finale... so there's my prediction... we'll all find out tomorrow... *Soul Patrol*

the thousand point itch...

i've always sorta cared about XBox Live GamerPoints... but now that i'm within an earshot of earning my first thousand, i'm getting more and more into it... the sound that resonates every time you unlock an Achievement sends chills of joy down my spine... and now that i'm within a few days of beating both Call of Duty 2 and Perfect Dark Zero, I am almost positive i'll have a thousand points hopefully by this Saturday... i can smell those points now... and they smell oh so good... *just added up possible Achievement earnings from beating Call of Duty 2 and Perfect Dark Zero... and i'm gonna have to almost beat Tomb Raider, or pull a miracle on MLB 2K6 (that game's achievements are monster hard) to fill in the points gap and reach my first thousand in points... oh well... looks like i've got some good, long, hard gaming ahead of me... good thing i have tomorrow off... yessssss...

It Speaks...

I recently read about this new service in which you can register your XBox Live GamerTag on this website, and in two days it starts to form a blog of your activities on your XBox 360... in essence, your 360 blogs... the website is: http://www.360voice.com/
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