Disappointing Collectors Edition compared to WoL and HotS. All you really get that isn't a digital bonus is the Field Manual. I have the other 2 Collectors Edition StarCraft II game physical copies but this time I think I will just buy the Digital Collectors Edition.
@TheLeftHandDoom They also charge way to much for that fully digital DLC, it should be half or quarter of the price it is now. Since they don't have to package, ship the physical discs and get shelf space in store, yet it is just as much as back then. :'(
I think DLC should always be under $5 depending on what it is. (skins/characters/costumes)
I think expansions are aloud to be $20+ as long as they include many hours of extra gameplay and features. (new worlds & quests & characters & items & anything else that applies all included together)
GH05T-666's comments