Killer Instinct and Peggle 2 are all that interest me for XBone.PS4 doesnt have anything that interests me yet.At the moment my PS4 and XBone are just sitting and waiting. I should have just waited
I wish they at least had same the (and a bit more) features than the PS3 and Xbox 360 had.There is no reason they couldnt do this from launch. They just want your money!I hope they add these features soon in a patch.
We will just have to wait for some good new headsets made for PS4 and XBone At least Sony offers more options for people to use
I'm so disappointed that the PS4 and XBone doesnt even play movie files.I used to use my Xbox 360 to play movies from a USB all the time. Since I sold my xbox 360 to buy a XBone I havent been able to watch any movies from my USB :'(
Great job Danny. This weeks The Point is so true. I think everything you said was spot on!Joel McHale ruined it!
Aw I looked up Project M and it is only available for NTSC format Super Smash Bros. Brawl.I hope they make a PAL format mod one day.
GH05T-666's comments