I was wondering if there were any games on the PSP that use the MP3's on the system or if you can put them in a special folder?
Im lookin for a good adventure game that will last awile like for a rode trip. i dont want to have to change games.
I am lookin for a good legthy game for the PSP that has a good amount of unlackables that are acually cool.RPGAdventureor Action
What is the best video converter that has the best video quality? Iv tried the Action Replay one and it sux.
These r the only games that i have on PSP so i dont knoow what to look for.Untold LegendsHot ShotsATVMLB: 07DBZ Shin Budokia: another road
What are some good DS games that dont use the touch screen, mine broke. :cry: RPG's, Action, adventure, anything.HELP!!
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