GMFC07's forum posts
No i was on it last night and there was nobody on
I dont see why people say that the new pro evo is rubbish i mean ok it hasnt changed much but it is still a great game and there have been some changes improved master league passing is much better and it is now easier to score Fifa is good this year but it isnt great the passing is worst than last year and the crossing is hopeless as it is very difficult to get a cross where you want it and the tackiling is rubbish
What do you think:!
In order
1.Gta San Andreas
2.Canis Canem Edit
3.Gta Vice City
4.Pro Evo 6
5.Call Of Duty 3
6.God Of War 2
8.Metal Gear Solid 3
9.Hitman Blood Money
10.Madden 07
The ps2 wont have any good new games because the ps3 and xbox 360 are getting all the new games
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