K my parents hate violent video games even though i luv them. In the past ive tricked them but wen it comes to GTA the news keeps them updated. THey dont as much hate military violence as much as they do just killing the innocent. I rlly want GTA so how the hell do i get it!
I love to listen to the kids. One time some kid was telling the other kid at his house that he had to make him a tuna sandwhich to play and then the kid got the wrong bread and it was really funny cause he didnt know we could hear him
portal is as great as jeff says, and if u havent played half life, play them. HL2 episode 2 is amazing by the way. Only problem is that the graphics suck
for most guns they die quickly, especially the pulse rifle and shot gun but the pistol isnt so good and you need to really unload with the machine gun because its so inaccurate.
And ya if anything play hl2 episode 2 and portal. Episode 2 is freakin amazing. U rlly dont need to play episode one, its definatly the worst in the box.
I'm a Wii fan and I admit it is. Stop the denial. Doesn't mean we have to play them. I play the good Wii games.m_machine024
i got a wii and 360 and the only games i hav for wii is madden and im gettin super mario galaxy and metroid prime. i hate to say it but the wii games suck. I just keep it for the good game that comesout here and there
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