I wanted to get a save file from www.gamefaq.com for my psp and it didnt work it said the file wasnt save when i tried to open it on Winzip!! Can someone help me??!!
Cheater's,i hate them! So I was playing my PsP MEDAL OF HONOR HEROES 2,ON-LINE kill anyone and everyone,and most of us in the game move normal,but then these IDIOT'S are moving at the speed of light? what the hell? I mean if you have to cheat to win whats the point? i mean they are moving so fast you cant get a bead on them! i cant stand playing with people like that!! Midevilatheart
Is Meadal of Honour fun?? Is it good online and is the connection slow with internet play??
I hate cheaters too when they do stuff like that its fine when your playing a 1-player game because your not interfering with anyones game but when its multiplayer it ruins the purpose of playing
LocoRoco and Sims 2 are really fun! But apart from because with locoroco your just realisically repeatling all the levels over again and with Sims 2 its really annoying when your sim gets really sad and bored because its harder work!!
I dont know about the other games if you went on reviews on this website you might find something about them. Hope you find your games!!
thanks for you help sbout going on game faqs i found a game that was soo close to mine i just need to do all the empire buisnesses again. Alll you guys thanks i was going to dowload a program but found this was eaiser!!
I was wondering if anyone knew that if you saved over a game you weren't ment to can you undo that somehow or could you take it to a shop to get it undone. If anyone knew i would be soo thank-full
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