I like all of your responses against what I'm saying. Overall I think you are all looking too much into it
@GTA_dude: "The more offspring you produce, and the more diverse they are, then you will have a better chance at surviving in the wild"
Uh, no. Producing offspring is physically taxing and time-consuming (especially on female animals). Dedicating time and energy to making offspring is not the type of thing that will always increase your chances of surviving in the wild. Again, where do you study biology?
First off, producing offspring is the #1 thing that all animals want. Their own survival isn't what they're going for, it's the survival of their genes. So yeah, producing offspring is the type of thing that increases their chances of survival. Once again, not their own survival, their species survival. Humans are really the only species that care more about themselves verses their species. Every other species, one member will give themselves up if it means their genes carry on. Look at male black widows. They are willing to perform sexual cannibalism just because it increases their chances at producing offspring. Letting the women eat them gives them just a few more seconds to put more sperm into her. So they're all for it. They even compete for it against other black widows knowing what will happen. I've even watched male black widow rivalry, it's pretty entertaining. Bees and ants are also an example, the individuals will do anything for the queen.
Yeah, producing offspring is very taxing and time-consuming, but it's really all they have to do in life. If they don't give off to any then their life was useless. Practically every action an animal does, has to do with ways to attract a mate and raise an offspring, such as intrasexual or intersexual acts. You've heard bird singing right? That's an example, they only do it to attract a mate. It's a concept of "sexy genes", indirect way of attracting (It is an Intersexual act btw). The better they sound, the more well fed they must have been, and the better their brain must be developed to have learned the specific song. They have a better chance of pulling a female if they sound good. The mate who puts more work into rearing a child is usually the one who chooses the opposing mate, usually female, but could be male. The other mate will compete in some way to attract the choosy mate.
Nothing you've posted supports your claim that "[t]he more offspring you produce, and the more diverse they are, then you will have a better chance at surviving in the wild". In fact, what you've posted ("[l]ook at male black widows")shows how producing offspring can lead to having a LOWER chance of survival.
Now, back on topic. You mentioned what animals are supposed to be biologically attracted to. Please try to answer the question: What is the "opposite" of a native American male human, and what biological mechanism dictates that he is supposed to be attracted to it?
Apparently you never understood the original statement "The more offspring you produce, and the more diverse they are, then they will have a better chance at surviving in the wild and carrying out your genes". They don't care about their own survival, they only care about the survival of the offspring they produce. I said this repetitively in my last post The way they see it, if you live a long life but produce no offspring then their life was useless. The black widow example is perfect for this. I don't think you're reading through my posts very well...
And I dunno? There isn't a genetic code in every person that says they MUST be attracted to a certain type, as I said in the first post. It is common for animals to be attracted to something other then what they are, like an opposite. As stated in the 3rd to the last sentence in my first posts, "Soo, it is natural for a white guy to be attractive to a black girl, asian, indian, just something other then whatever they are. And the same goes for women." Do you not understand?
It's obvious what you're doing, trying to be a devils advocate and calling out on the other people who post. Trolling, and trying to feel smart. You have to read and understand what the other person says though first, or else you just look like a dumbass. And don't you have anything better to do with your time?
"They don't care about their own survival, they only care about the survival of the offspring they produce."
That does not mean that producing more offspring means surviving better in the wild. It means passing on one's genes. Those two things are not the same. A spider's cares and desires have no bearing on that. Again, where do you study biology?
"There isn't a genetic code in every person that says they MUST be attracted to a certain type, as I said in the first post."
That's not what you said in the first post. What you said was, "[s]urprisingly, biologically all animals are attracted to their opposites, or atleast are supposed to be." I'm simply asking you to support this claim, and to support the premise that humans have "opposites."
I'm not trolling. I'm simply asking you to support your claims.
No dude, you're trolling. You're looking too deeply into what I'm saying, and Trying to find something to oppose to. Which is why I asked, don't you have anything better to do? I know I do, so I'm not going to go all out in trying to support my claims, because I dont have to. I know what I know is all true, and it doesn't matter where I'm studying at because everything I know is backed by texts from around the world. You just look like a kid who doesn't know what he's arguing against. In the future go study at a university before you try and argue with someone who probably knows it better. This is just an internet forum, and as far as I know going by the persona you're creating for yourself in my view, you're just a 16 year old with very little to no friends, probably not liked by many because you're trying too hard to question everything and trying to appear like you know everything (girls don't like that btw, makes you look arrogant). So I'm not going to waste too much of my time supporting anything to you. Plus, whatever I say you're gonna look into it wrong and argue against it. So whats the point? I mine as well be playing chess with a pigeon. This is why people dont like other people who act like you're acting, so I hope you're not like this in real life
Producing more offspring means the odds of atleast 1 surviving in the wild is increased (Duh). So yeah, producing more offspring does increase the odds of your genes surviving. But Notice I put BOTH terms in there, "The more offspring you produce, and the more diverse they are, then they will have a better chance at surviving in the wild and carrying out your genes". Both terms of being more and diverse are included and are independent of each other (notice the oxford comma), and both outcomes are stated, better chance and surviving and passing on genes. So obviously, the more diverse the offspring then the better chances they have of surviving. And the more sperm an animal puts into the female the better odds she'll get pregnant (Don't you know any biology?), hence why a male black widow is willing to be eaten to give his junk a few more seconds inside of the female. If he doesn't even produce 1 offspring, then there is 0 chance it'll survive in the wild, because it doesn't even exist. Do I have to explain everything for you to understand? Read through and understand before you argue, cause it looks like you only read half.
And yes, that is what I said in the first post. Go back and read it. "Soo, it is natural for a white guy to be attractive to a black girl, asian, indian, just something other then whatever they are. And the same goes for women." Meaning something other then what they are (Opposite is more of a shorthand way of saying it, 1 word verse 7 words. The term varies based on preferences, but as I said, You are looking too deeply into it). Specifically what they're attracted too isn't in their genetic code, just something other then what they are is more appealing to them. And I said within the same species. You don't need to find the opposite of humans, it's the opposite of whatever you are. Black is the opposite of white (Duh), so it looks like if a white man is attracted to a black girl, that that's pretty close to his opposite.
If you don't believe me and you think everyone should mate with their equal, then why don't you just go sleep with your sister to prove me wrong.
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