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Galeonis79 Blog

Well, well, well...

So, finals are finished.  YAY!!!  *cough*  Sorry, involuntary response.

But since then have started playing World of Warcraft, and have to say that I'm quite impressed.  Indeed, it goes well above what I'd expected.  Most of you know I'm an old EQ-addict, so it's hard to admit - but yes, the game does offer more than ol' EQ.  To be fair, I never played EQII so I can't comment about that, but still.

Now in other gaming news, I'm sure everyone has heard that Starcraft II is on its way.  But I'm equally sure that most of y'all don't know that I actually have yet to finish the first one.  I know, I know... gasps of surprise and all that... but I just never really got into the thing for whatever reason.  I do still own it, and plan on finishing it at some point - ideally before I buy SC2 - but it just hasn't been a priority.  Perhaps when I give up WoW when school starts up again.
We'll see.

Anyway... good hunting, all.



In the throes of final exams once again, so not doing much else.  Haven't even looked at a computer game much less played one, so I can't really give ya' any updates on that front.

I am looking forward to finishing up.  WoW has a 10-day free trial that I'm thinking about.  Can addict myself over the summer and then not worry about it when school starts up again.  But even if I don't end up doing that, I think I'm a patch or two behind in NWN 2, so might update that and save the world again.  Well... evil character this time, so... "saving the world" is relative.
Anyway... good hunting, all.


Ring King

Apparently Ring King was some Nintendo boxing game.

I really don't know a lot of these titles - apparently the authors were big console gamers.  Me?  I grew up with Commander Keen on PC, so... yeah, different circles.

Anyway... good hunting, all.


Galactic Civilizations II

So I'm thinking I need to expand a little on this game... mostly because it's damn good. So after completing a horrible, mind-shredding, assignment for school, I completely slacked off this weekend. Read a book, watched tv & movies, and gamed. And by "gamed" I mean, played Galactic Civilizations II: Gold Edition (GC II).

It's a friggen awesome game. Along the lines of Sid Meier's Civilization, sorta thing. "One more turn," turns into "What the f***?! It's morning already?!" And I'm not even exaggerating. Fun weekend though :D

To start off with, you have the diverse species options and the ability to create a custom species. Want to create a galaxy-conquering race of warlike squirrels? Go for it. An alternate version of humans who breed like crazy? I'll leave that one aside. But yeah, the gameplay is standard fare, but is extremely well done. It's streamlined so you can micro- or macro-manage as much as you'd like. As you may have gathered, I'm an epic game fan, and while the story here (in the single-player campaigns) is decent, I greatly prefer the random games where I can spend hours (and hours and hours) building up my civilization, fending off my (vile, despicable, and surprisingly cunning) opponents, and earning a well-deserved victory video.

One thing I should make express note of is the customized ship building. It's been talked to death about, so I won't go into it, but the options are only barely limited. Pretty great to romp around the galaxy with a fleet of your custom-built DREADNOUGHTS... or even more amusing to watch as your custom-built home defense ship (singular) (with no engines but 100+ defense) fends off an armada of bad guys. Good times, good times.

Anyway... good hunting, all.


So, unfortunately for my academic career, I've got a lot of gaming done these past months. (Yeah, sorry about the lack of content). I picked up Galactic Civilizations II: Gold Edition, and ran through that once - and played a few skirmishes. Love it, but it's not really a game you can finish per se. On the other hand, I did finally finish Runaway: A Road Adventure and Homeworld 2.

I really enjoyed Runaway: A Road Adventure (the first Runaway game - there's a new one out). The fourth (last) chapter could have been a lot better because you really didn't need to do anything in it. You sorta solve one or two (really easy) puzzles and then - quite literally - watch the rest of it. It was still fun though and I'd absolutely recommend it to any old-school adventure gamers (the pixel hunts still suck though!). To warn y'all it is kinda campy and the humor can sometimes make you groan, but I thought that was part of the charm! And the cartoony graphics were fun to watch. The cliched damsel in distress was easy on the eyes too!

Homeworld 2 was absolutely awesome! While not quite as "epic" in terms of it's story , as compared to the first one (one of my all time favorite games), it was still fantastic. Let me clarify that statement. The game was still epic - you have to save your race against an all-powerful foe - but it still didn't compare to the first one. Hell, nothing I've played really has... except maybe FF7 (remember Aeris's death?). But yeah, absolutely incredible. The last mission could have been a nail-biting, harrowing, fast-paced scene from a science fiction movie. Seriously... for a while there I had 1 capital ship, 6 interceptors (who were getting chewed up), and two manufacturing ships. SO damn good. Admitedly, I'm a big fan of the series (Homeworld, Homeworld: Cataclysm, and Homeworld 2)... I mean seriously... the first game marked a paradigm shift from fighters to capital ships! BIG FRIGGEN CAPITAL SHIPS! Mmmm.


Anyway... good hunting, all.

Happy Sigh

So, I completely understand that grad school isn't about hooking up and stuff, but damn. Some of the girls here are amazing.

And it's always pleasant when some of the uber-hot ones take an interest in you.

Here's my plug, kiddies. Stay in school. While the nerds get shafted in High School, when you go to grad school you get hot chicks, who are smart... and who are attracted to smart guys.

Life's good.

Anyway... good hunting, all.

Back in the Swing of Things

Well, things are going well... just haven't been online much.  Classes have started and life goes on.  Such as it is.

Living on student loans suck.  I miss Starbucks.

But... CoD 2 was great.  The game got real epic, real fast.  The initial British campaign was good (and then it gets great), and the American campaign was fantastic.  Though the last mission was disappointing.

It's always fun (and rewarding) to haul around a panazerfaust for an entire mission and then wasting a half-track that is chewing up your guys.

Seriously, a fantastic game.  If I HAD to pick something... the only thing that rubbed me the wrong way... and this is just a silly, minor, thing... was that you could eliminate hundreds of Nazi's and they'd keep coming - if you hadn't reached the pre-scripted point.

Like I said, not a big deal.  But still detracted from the overall (and usually completely) realistic feeling of the game.

Loved it.

Playing NWN 2 now and I'm a huge fan.  *cough*  Done act I like 5 times now... Rog, Rog/Fight, Clr, Clr/Fight, and now (presently) Rog/Rng/Shadow Thief (we'll see how things go with this char :P).  One irritating thing is the camera, which requires constant attention.  Moving and adjusting it so you get the best (or any!) view of the situation.  And the thing is a system hog for not THAT great graphics.

Good graphics, but nothing completely awesome, but the thing just eats up all my processor power.  Now my gaming rig isn't GREAT, but it's pretty damn good.

Also got "UFO: Aftershock" over the holidays, but I'm not sure when I'll get to that.

I'll keep you updated.

Anyway... good hunting, all.

Call of Duty 2

So, the vacation is going well.  Lots of vegging, tv watching, hanging out with friends... and free food!  Not a lot of gaming though (always difficult without your rig).

CoD2 does work with my old computer though and it's quite good.  No epic battles though.  I mean, nothing along the lines of the Battle of Stalingrad (CoD1), or the bomber gunner thing (CoD UO).

So far, the Russian campaign was enjoyable.  Lots of street fighting in the cold.  Gray trenchcoats, and lots of commies screaming at you.  I'm playing the English campaign right now and it's also well done.

It has a completely different feel to it.  And I don't just mean desert versus urban, but the way the missions are structured and what goes on in them in terms of objectives and layouts.  Little things like following tanks instead of ducking into doorways.  Or a lot of close-quarters, versus long streches.  It's hard to explain, but I will say that the developers did a really good job.

I'll let you know what I think of the whole thing once I'm done.

And when I get back to TX (in a few days), I'm looking forward to spending a lot of quality time with NWN2 and a couple of other games I picked up during the holidays.

Mostly NWN2 though :P

Anyway... good hunting, all.

NWN 2 Strategy Guide

I posted this in the forum and just thought I'd dupe a copy here, since I was pissed. If there ever was a letter to be written... grrr.

"I just thought some might be interested to know that the Brady Games 'Official Strategy Guide' for NWN 2 is pretty darn well useless. You're better off saving your $20.00 and downloading the free one from here.
The class descriptions are right out of the manual. And while each of the base classes have one or two paragraphs on gameplay (no great revelations are revealed), none of the prestige classes have even this basic addition to the official description. They do talk about the Neverwinter Nine prestige class though, which isn't in the manual.
There is no talk of various builds, no sample builds, nor is there a word on how to play a class sucessfully.
While there is a list of items, spells, and feats which were somewhat useful. Most of this information is repeated and some of it is ripped off from the manual text without any change (e.g. 'see page 128 on crafting,' when there is no crafting section in the guide). Additionally, some of the materials were too lengthy, such as the descriptions of the 'pre-release' items. While this is interesting and whatnot, it was essentially a waste of space that could have been better put to use.
The walkthrough itself, is about what you'd expect, but again it's not exhaustive. There is no great detail about what choices lead down what alignment shifts, or any detailed information on reward modifications via your skill set (e.g. diplomacy, intimidate, etc).
Again, all in all, you're better off just downloading the free guide on Gamespot or looking around and finding a nice player-made walkthrough that's likely floating around out there.

The game itself is pretty cool, though I've only just started it, but I just had to rant a bit about the guide. Headed home for the holidays tomorrow, so won't have access to my regular rig, but I'm bringing "Call of Duty 2" to see if it will run on my old box, which had been donated to my folks.

We'll see.

Anyway... good hunting, all.

Holy crap...

I survived finals! And only was worried about one of them so... YAY.

As a reward to myself, I picked up NWN 2, but I won't get a huge chance to explore Faerun, because I'm actually headed home soon. Shrug. Ah, well. I can screw up my next semester with it!

We'll see. Probably should finish the main campaign in Oblivion at some point too. Call of Duty 2 as well. The latter should only take a night though. Fun as hell, but the single-player missions are relatively short.

Anyway... good hunting, all.
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