So... yeah, nothing else going on in my life.
There actually is, but nothing else SHOULD be going on in my life. C'est la vie, I suppose.
Anyway, Rad Racer is another random 80s NES game... had to look that one up.
Seemed like any other 1980 car racing game, but I'm sure saying that has riled up a bunch of hard-core NESers. Shrug. As I've stated before, I'm a PC guy.
Though, I'm seriously tempted to invest in an XBox 360, just so I won't have to upgrade so often.
We'll see.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
Galeonis79 Blog
Quick Update
by Galeonis79 on Comments
Got that memo done... with a whole 1.5 hrs of sleep to boot!
In the throes of finals so, not doing too much else but studying. However, Jedi Academy did arrive, and first impression is pretty good.
Haven't figured out the whole combo-move thing yet, but then again I never was much of a button-masher type. We'll see.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
In the throes of finals so, not doing too much else but studying. However, Jedi Academy did arrive, and first impression is pretty good.
Haven't figured out the whole combo-move thing yet, but then again I never was much of a button-masher type. We'll see.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
Ahhh... old friends: Star Wars, System Shock 2, and Adolescent Urges
by Galeonis79 on Comments
Well, first off, I should be working on a memo. But I'm nearly done. Well... *cough* nearly 2/3s *cough* done. It'll get done. Sleep is for the weak.
Who said 19 hours of straight EQ wouldn't help me out later in life?
At any rate. On another Star Wars kick... got the new, revised, all-you-can-eat, limited edition trilogy (in a spiffy tin can!)... and that was that. So... I'm gonna see how "Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy" is. Getting it sent to me. I haven't played a Star Wars FPS since "Dark Forces," so... yeah. We'll see how this goes.
I actually did end up getting "System Shock 2" back on my system, but I'm having such a frustrating time getting it to work. Take an hour break from Learned Hand, to whack some zombies, but I haven't been able to because every hour I have gets eaten up trying to get the damn thing to run. I had it going for a while, with no cutscenes, but now it has started to freeze up after a minute or so and as a result... back to square one. Damn fine game though.
Adolescent Urges? Ah... well now, kiddies, don't try this at home. I have been doing this since I got my drivers license.
So there I was, cheerfully minding my own business driving to school, in my 2003 Mitsubishi Galant, when some little show-off in her 2007 Ford Mustang cuts me off and tears away.
Self, I thought to myself, You could let it slide. After all, you haven't let something like this bother you in years.
Bite me, I replied. And with that, I pressed down on the gas pedal to return the favor to the sky blue, would-be-muscle-car.
Now let me tell you, folks, there's very little that gets the heart pumping as racing down a relatively crowded interstate at a break-neck speed. Heck, your worry about a speeding ticket alone will do it. But, as I implied before, I'm a reasonably good driver. I've taken all the regular driving courses, plus professional lessons. Needless to say, I suceeded and when I pass the other driver (who was completely clueless as to why I was tearing up pavement), I didn't even glance her way. I merely smiled to myself, and eased into my exiting lane.
Life's good.
And in case it wasn't obvious, this is why male insurance rates are higher.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
Who said 19 hours of straight EQ wouldn't help me out later in life?
At any rate. On another Star Wars kick... got the new, revised, all-you-can-eat, limited edition trilogy (in a spiffy tin can!)... and that was that. So... I'm gonna see how "Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy" is. Getting it sent to me. I haven't played a Star Wars FPS since "Dark Forces," so... yeah. We'll see how this goes.
I actually did end up getting "System Shock 2" back on my system, but I'm having such a frustrating time getting it to work. Take an hour break from Learned Hand, to whack some zombies, but I haven't been able to because every hour I have gets eaten up trying to get the damn thing to run. I had it going for a while, with no cutscenes, but now it has started to freeze up after a minute or so and as a result... back to square one. Damn fine game though.
Adolescent Urges? Ah... well now, kiddies, don't try this at home. I have been doing this since I got my drivers license.
So there I was, cheerfully minding my own business driving to school, in my 2003 Mitsubishi Galant, when some little show-off in her 2007 Ford Mustang cuts me off and tears away.
Self, I thought to myself, You could let it slide. After all, you haven't let something like this bother you in years.
Bite me, I replied. And with that, I pressed down on the gas pedal to return the favor to the sky blue, would-be-muscle-car.
Now let me tell you, folks, there's very little that gets the heart pumping as racing down a relatively crowded interstate at a break-neck speed. Heck, your worry about a speeding ticket alone will do it. But, as I implied before, I'm a reasonably good driver. I've taken all the regular driving courses, plus professional lessons. Needless to say, I suceeded and when I pass the other driver (who was completely clueless as to why I was tearing up pavement), I didn't even glance her way. I merely smiled to myself, and eased into my exiting lane.
Life's good.
And in case it wasn't obvious, this is why male insurance rates are higher.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
Future Interests
by Galeonis79 on Comments
Warning: This is a non-gaming post; worse, this is a graduate school post.
AHHHHHHHHHH... I hate Future Interests. I just hate 'em. You learn about fee tails, and then you find out that no one uses them. You learn about contingent remainders, bang your head against the brick wall known as executory interests, and then you find out that the Rule of Perpetuity negates most of them. And now I find out that people don't like the RAP and are changing it!
YERG. Make up yer damn minds!
Author's Note: You will now be returned to your regular gaming posts... however the author reserves the right to vent at any point in the future.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
Atomic Punk...
by Galeonis79 on Comments
Another odd title. Looked it up, and apparently it was a Gameboy game released in 1991. I'm an old school gamer, but I've never owned a console. It's been PC games all the way with me. Started with EGA/CGA games like "Starquake," and "Hunter," and now am playing games that compare in quality to a lot of big-screen movies.
Bogged down with stuff at the moment so....
Anyway... good hunting, all.
Bogged down with stuff at the moment so....
Anyway... good hunting, all.
More Oblivion Stuff
by Galeonis79 on Comments
Okay, I know I talk about Oblivion a lot, but it's my blog so if you don't like it, you can just skip this entry.
But Oblivion is a DAMN GOOD game. I mean... yeesh. I'm an old EQ addict and this game is near comparable... without the lame-o campers, annoying druids, lag-time, down-times, etc, etc, etc, etc, ad naseum. No flirting in this game though :P
As you all know, I moved recently and hadn't been gaming much, so when I tried playing the game again it was hard to get back into it. So I remade a character. Went with a wood elf custom class called "Stalker." It's a stealth concept with a set of primary skills that are designed for killing bad-guys and looting(!): Marksman, Blade, Security, Alchemy, Sneak, Light Armour, and Illusion.
Marksman is for my long range sniping [no headshots though :cry: ]. Blade is for my CQB hunting [ever try clearing a dungeon with only arrows?!]. Security is for looting [though with the aquisition of my "Skeleton Key" I've discovered the skill isn't a necessary one]. Alchemy is for healing and poisons [and just about everything in-between. Damn handy skill!]. Sneak is for sneak attacks [prowl behind that pesky rat, stealthily draw your DAEDRIC LONGSWORD, and power attack him for x6 damage! hehe.... good fun]. Light armour is to prevent someone else from killing me. Illusion is for nighteye, light, and so forth [neh... it's alright, but wasn't necessary].
Secondary skills which I'm trying to get up are block, acrobatics, armorer (sic), and restoration. Mysticism I just wanted to get to 25 for "Soul Trap." Alteration I use only for "Feather," and "Guard," though I use those spells a lot. Destruction I use almost never [usually only when I'm low on arrows].
I was pondering using heavy armour, but it would have been a pain because my little wood elf started off with like 30 strength. I've since built it up to 70, but yeah... my old dark elf fighter guy had 50ish to start with and that heavy armour was ALWAYS a pain. We'll see. A master light armour wearer gets comparable AC to a heavy armour wearer. Shrug. Extra work, but armour skill is one that raises pretty quickly.
Anyway... trying not to spend TOO many hours playing because when I get started it tends to suck up entire days... and nights. Fun as all hell, though.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
But Oblivion is a DAMN GOOD game. I mean... yeesh. I'm an old EQ addict and this game is near comparable... without the lame-o campers, annoying druids, lag-time, down-times, etc, etc, etc, etc, ad naseum. No flirting in this game though :P
As you all know, I moved recently and hadn't been gaming much, so when I tried playing the game again it was hard to get back into it. So I remade a character. Went with a wood elf custom class called "Stalker." It's a stealth concept with a set of primary skills that are designed for killing bad-guys and looting(!): Marksman, Blade, Security, Alchemy, Sneak, Light Armour, and Illusion.
Marksman is for my long range sniping [no headshots though :cry: ]. Blade is for my CQB hunting [ever try clearing a dungeon with only arrows?!]. Security is for looting [though with the aquisition of my "Skeleton Key" I've discovered the skill isn't a necessary one]. Alchemy is for healing and poisons [and just about everything in-between. Damn handy skill!]. Sneak is for sneak attacks [prowl behind that pesky rat, stealthily draw your DAEDRIC LONGSWORD, and power attack him for x6 damage! hehe.... good fun]. Light armour is to prevent someone else from killing me. Illusion is for nighteye, light, and so forth [neh... it's alright, but wasn't necessary].
Secondary skills which I'm trying to get up are block, acrobatics, armorer (sic), and restoration. Mysticism I just wanted to get to 25 for "Soul Trap." Alteration I use only for "Feather," and "Guard," though I use those spells a lot. Destruction I use almost never [usually only when I'm low on arrows].
I was pondering using heavy armour, but it would have been a pain because my little wood elf started off with like 30 strength. I've since built it up to 70, but yeah... my old dark elf fighter guy had 50ish to start with and that heavy armour was ALWAYS a pain. We'll see. A master light armour wearer gets comparable AC to a heavy armour wearer. Shrug. Extra work, but armour skill is one that raises pretty quickly.
Anyway... trying not to spend TOO many hours playing because when I get started it tends to suck up entire days... and nights. Fun as all hell, though.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
by Galeonis79 on Comments
Well hey... I'm a Phoenix Down.
Didn't have to look that one up. It's a potion in the Final Fantasy universe.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
Didn't have to look that one up. It's a potion in the Final Fantasy universe.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
Fear Expansion
by Galeonis79 on Comments
So I downloaded the F.E.A.R. expansion demo and it's pretty damn fun. I guess I'd forgotten exactly how much I liked that game. If I haven't mentioned before - IT WAS FRIGGEN AWESOME!
Nothing is scarier than a creepy, anemic, 9-year-old girl.
And then it turns out she's a creepy, anemic, teenager. Yeesh. Man-o-man, when that vault door thing opened up I openly admit I was twitching in fear. All I wanted to do right at that moment was crawl underneath my care bear comforter and read Tintin comics. But alas, no... the gamer in me knew that I had to see this through, so I double-checked the 9mm mag and went on my merry way.
Such a good game. The perfect balance of gunplay, story, and sheer terror.
Ahhh... pleasant System Shock 2 memories.
Go out there and download the demo. Fun stuff.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
Nothing is scarier than a creepy, anemic, 9-year-old girl.
And then it turns out she's a creepy, anemic, teenager. Yeesh. Man-o-man, when that vault door thing opened up I openly admit I was twitching in fear. All I wanted to do right at that moment was crawl underneath my care bear comforter and read Tintin comics. But alas, no... the gamer in me knew that I had to see this through, so I double-checked the 9mm mag and went on my merry way.
Such a good game. The perfect balance of gunplay, story, and sheer terror.
Ahhh... pleasant System Shock 2 memories.
Go out there and download the demo. Fun stuff.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
by Galeonis79 on Comments
Oh yeah... and I'm a poor student now.
But yeah, you can check out my Wish List for the complete list, but offhand I still wanna get Dreamfall, Galactic Civilizations II, and Darkstar One (though the latter is prolly a killer app for me).
And yeesh, there are MORE games coming out that I'm just itching for... NWN 2 (been waiting for this since I finished (and loved) Hordes of the Underdark), Star Wars: EaW: Forces of Corruption (Empire campaign was SOOO much more satisfying), Star Trek: Legacy (oh man... /drool).
I mean the industry is just going to be kicking these out but by the time I'll have the time/money for them they'll be in the bargain bin.
Sigh. A good thing and a bad, I suppose.
Things, otherwise, are going well. Making friends and Influencing People... that's a joke you younger kids won't get, but neh.
Headed back to the salt mines.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
Oh yeah... and I'm a poor student now.
But yeah, you can check out my Wish List for the complete list, but offhand I still wanna get Dreamfall, Galactic Civilizations II, and Darkstar One (though the latter is prolly a killer app for me).
And yeesh, there are MORE games coming out that I'm just itching for... NWN 2 (been waiting for this since I finished (and loved) Hordes of the Underdark), Star Wars: EaW: Forces of Corruption (Empire campaign was SOOO much more satisfying), Star Trek: Legacy (oh man... /drool).
I mean the industry is just going to be kicking these out but by the time I'll have the time/money for them they'll be in the bargain bin.
Sigh. A good thing and a bad, I suppose.
Things, otherwise, are going well. Making friends and Influencing People... that's a joke you younger kids won't get, but neh.
Headed back to the salt mines.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
Where to begin?
by Galeonis79 on Comments
Well as I'm sure most people here would tell me that the most important thing I say is that I now am a Texan.
Or at least a Texan by way of adoption.
It's damn hot, but otherwise quite nice. And admitedly it's been (dare I say it?) quite pleasant the last few days.
Yup. Here for school, so not sure how much gaming I'll be doing. But hey... there's always time for gaming, no?
So unfortunately I don't have any new updates on games... or fish. I'll be setting up my tank and starting anew down here this weekend.
But the last time I donned my gamer persona, it was to be enthralled in Oblivion. And by the way, what they say about the addiction is totally true. You just get so into it.
*look at the clock that reads 12:00am* Hmmm... I'll just finish this quest.
*look at the clock that reads 01:00* Hmmm... well I'm almost at the next dungeon. I'll save and stop then.
*look at the clock that reads 02:00* Hmmm... ALMOST AN EXPERT ALCHEMIST!!! I'll stop when I hit 75!
*look at the clock that reads 03:00* Hmmm... $@#% it! Who am I kidding?
*look at the clock that reads 07:13* Hmmm... well time enough to get an hour's sleep, take a shower, and be late for my first class!
Yeah. Addiction is completely true. The game is awesome though. The plot, the stories, the graphics, everything.
Post when I can.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
Or at least a Texan by way of adoption.
It's damn hot, but otherwise quite nice. And admitedly it's been (dare I say it?) quite pleasant the last few days.
Yup. Here for school, so not sure how much gaming I'll be doing. But hey... there's always time for gaming, no?
So unfortunately I don't have any new updates on games... or fish. I'll be setting up my tank and starting anew down here this weekend.
But the last time I donned my gamer persona, it was to be enthralled in Oblivion. And by the way, what they say about the addiction is totally true. You just get so into it.
*look at the clock that reads 12:00am* Hmmm... I'll just finish this quest.
*look at the clock that reads 01:00* Hmmm... well I'm almost at the next dungeon. I'll save and stop then.
*look at the clock that reads 02:00* Hmmm... ALMOST AN EXPERT ALCHEMIST!!! I'll stop when I hit 75!
*look at the clock that reads 03:00* Hmmm... $@#% it! Who am I kidding?
*look at the clock that reads 07:13* Hmmm... well time enough to get an hour's sleep, take a shower, and be late for my first class!
Yeah. Addiction is completely true. The game is awesome though. The plot, the stories, the graphics, everything.
Post when I can.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
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