@Gelugon_baat @porcupeth123 Come on, everyone! To Metacritic! Where we shall compare the numbered reviews, but also see how they're rated by color!
@rIVAL_sWORD84 Uncharted 3 was better than Uncharted 2.There.I said it.But the Gears of War trilogy is also better than the Uncharted trilogy.
@rIVAL_sWORD84 If anything, dull graphics is the only legitimate complaint about Tropical Freeze. Though they still look nice.
@MateykoSlam @niceguy77 Which is 5 out of a 5 because the 5 rating scale exists also, but honestly, I think more people care about the 10 scale more for some reason...
@MateykoSlam I'm pretty sure someone in the world is pissed off about how the only female character in the game wears pink.
GameBeaten's comments