Ah, right - cheers guys. I'm a little dissapointed that sony didn't attempt to make the buttons feel a little more solid and comfortable, but I guess it's only a small complaint. Not really a make or break, I'll still get one when some more promising titles are out.
As for the analog sticks, I expected as much. I used to play FPS's on my PS3 alot and if they were good on the vita I probably could have gotten back into them a little, but it's fair enough, portables don't really have the potential.
Personally I think the circle pad on the 3DS is a bit better, but unfortunately the 3DS only has one stick.
I 100% agree, it feels really good. As for only having one, don't they have a second attachable one?
And psone? Damn, weirdly psone compatibily is a real make or break for me here. It was pretty much the only use my old PSP got in the end, and I loved it. I know I certainly wont be picking a vita up until that is integrated and there are a few games on the go.
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